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Remedies for baby teething

Eruption of milk teeth in infants usually starts at an age of 5-6 months and generally culminates in two and half years of age; though the age may vary from one child to another. Most of the times kids can tolerate the pain and irritation caused due to the ongoing process of teething. But some kids may find it intolerable and show marked mood disturbances and restlessness. Sometimes a mild grade fever, sore and inflamed gums, disturbed sleep, few episodes of diarrhea and increased irritability in mood are the primary symptoms to be noticed in a teething baby. One can consult the dentist in case the symptoms aggravate but in general, following certain home remedies can prove really helpful. Most of these are handy and medicine free and all that you need is a caring and sympathetic touch.

1. Gentle gum massage

Gently rubbing the inflamed gums of the kid with your clean and properly cut, nailed finger may act as a soother. This is one of the most carried out remedy at home. Though, you may have to be patient, as in case, if few of the teeth have popped out, the kid might bite your finger. It may take a while for both the mother and kid to smoothly carry out this maneuver.

2. Clove oil application

Few drops of clove oil may work wonders. Apply 1-2 drops of clove oil on a gauge piece or simply on your finger and gently rub it on your kid’s gums. Repeat this act 2-3 times in a day. This will effectively help to relieve pain and thence lowering the levels of irritation.

3. Cold, frozen wash cloth

Simple, clean and frozen wash cloth act as a smoother for most of the kids. All that is required to be done is freeze the properly washed and dried wash cloth. It not only helps to soothe out the pain, but also absorbs the drooling of the kid.

4. Using a pacifier

Several types of artificial pacifiers are available in the market. Chewing gel filled pacifier or one that require freezing may relieve your baby from the agonizing pain.

5. Cold fruit or vegetable

Letting your kid chew cold fruit and vegetable serves two purposes. One, it relieves the pain due to rubbing the gums; and second, it is also healthy for your kid if he bites off a chunk.

6. Wooden toys and rings

Letting your kid chew or suck wooden toys or rings is also one of the safe remedies for teething troubles. This way, the rubbing will soothe the outer viscera of the gums and these toys are also safe and organic in nature.

7. Symptomatic Treatment

Well, this definitely has to be the last resort. In case, the pain is really troublesome and interfering with normal eating or sleeping routine of the kid, one should consider about symptomatic treatment. But it is always advisable to start any kind of medication, be it an analgesic or a simple antipyretic, under medical supervision only. Always consult your doctor before administering any sort of medicines.

Teething period is generally troublesome period for the new-born. With a little care and patience, the process, although unavoidable, could be made smoother for both the mother and the child. Once teeth have started erupting, proper cleanliness and hygiene should be maintained. Wipe the oral cavity of the child with a gauge piece, once in a day. This is all that is required to look after your kid’s teeth.

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