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Could you be pregnant?

The symptoms of pregnancy depend from pregnancy to pregnancy and of course from woman to woman. All the symptoms might be different but there is a common sign that all women come across; and this is the delay or alternation in the menstrual cycle. It is very crucial to know the symptoms of pregnancy as these signals might be the ones related other than pregnancy as well.

There are many women who develop the symptoms in just a week of conception while there are others who get to know about their pregnancy after many weeks and there is the other category where the signs may not be present at all. Here is a brief list of all the early signs and symptoms of pregnancy. Consult your doctor if you come across any of these signs if you have been sexually active.

1. Implantation bleeding

Implantation bleeding can be regarded as one of the most common and early symptom of pregnancy. After a period of 6 to 12 days, the embryo gets implanted into the uterine wall of uterus. It is possible that a few women might witness spotting while the others might experience some cramping. Implantation bleeding might also result from infection and altered or actual menstruation.

2. Difference/Delay in menstruation

If there is a delay in the period or you miss the menstruation cycle then you need to visit a doctor. It is very common for a woman to miss her next period after she gets pregnant. There are many women who might bleed, but this bleeding is not prolonged and heavy as compared to the normal periods. Menstruation can also get altered because of hormonal problems, too much weight loss and gain, stress, fatigue and breastfeeding.

3. Tender/Swollen breasts

Tender or swollen breasts are also a common symptom that marks the beginning of pregnancy. The symptom might appear in the next 7 to 14 days of conception. The breasts become very swollen and tender to touch. Many women face this problem. Sore or swollen breasts could also be due to impending menstruation (PMS), hormonal imbalance and birth control pills.

4. Tiredness/Fatigue

Tiredness is also a sign that indicates pregnancy. A woman might be occupied with the feeling of tiredness and fatigue as early as in the first week after the conception itself. Excess of stress, depression, flue or common cold and exhaustion are also the reasons that might induce the feeling of being fatigued.

5. Morning sickness/Nausea

Nausea is a very common sign that is known to everyone. The woman might also be hit by nausea just between two to eight months after the period of conception. The women who do not face the problem of morning sickness are the ones to be very fortunate. On the other hand, there are those too who suffer from the feeling of nausea during the entire course of their pregnancy. You might also feel queasy if you are suffering from disorders in the stomach or because of food poisoning and stress.

6. Backache

The early symptom of pregnancy could be a lower backache too. Though, it is common for a woman to experience mild backache during the course of her pregnancy. Backache could also result from impending menstruation, back problems, stress and strains.

7. Headaches

Headaches are common during early pregnancy. The headache is caused because of a sudden increment in the hormone levels. Withdrawing from caffeine, dehydration, impending menstruation, strain in the eyes and several other problems are the reasons that contribute to headache.

8. Frequent urination

After a period of 6 to 8 weeks of conception, you might notice yourself going frequently to the washroom. This indicates pregnancy. Frequent urination is also due to UTI i.e. Urinary Tract Infection, intake of more liquid or because of diabetes.

9. Darkening of areolas

The skin around the nipples gets dark at the time of pregnancy. The areas also get darkened because of the previous pregnancy or hormonal disturbances that are not related to pregnancy.

10. Food aversion or food cravings

Many women might develop a certain craving for a particular food at the time of pregnancy even though they are not fond of certain items like ice creams or pickles. This desire to have specific foods can last during the entire course of their pregnancy. There are a few women who might develop food aversion of specific kinds in the early period of their pregnancy. Food craving can go on and on for the whole period of nine months.

Lack of a certain nutrient in the diet, stress, impending nutrition and unhealthy diet are a few other causes of food aversion.

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