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Post-retirement tips senior citizens can utilize to adopt a green lifestyle


Life post retirement is usually perceived as one with less monetary benefits, but plenty of free time to do things you had always wanted to do. Recent trends have shown how a lot of retirees are using their post-retirement period to do some good to the environment by adopting a green lifestyle. If going green is in your list of ‘to do things post retirement’, then kick start your campaign by adopting these green tips.

Downsize to a smaller house

The first thing you would probably want to do post retirement is to downsize to a smaller home. This would ensure that your electricity and water usage charges, as well as your property taxes are reduced significantly. A smaller home would also be easier to clean and maintain, thereby saving you plenty of time and effort to pursue your green goals with earnest.

It is also considered wise to move closer to family and friends in the process of downsizing your home, as this would enable you to save on travel related costs and fuel emissions to a great extent.

Go for an energy audit

Consider conducting an energy audit in your home to check your electricity usage. A home audit would help you find out exactly how much energy you are using as well as ways in which you can reduce the same. In case, a home audit is not feasible, consider purchasing an appliance like home power meter which would let you know how much power the electrical appliances in your home use up.

Try a Co-housing arrangement

You can also try to opt for a co-housing arrangement, which would enable you to live along with other like-minded people under the same roof. While you will have your own room to stay in, you would need to share common areas like hallways, kitchens, dining rooms and even bathrooms. This would ensure that everyone in the house takes equal care in cleaning and maintaining it, thus creating a harmoniously safe and hygienic environment.

Introduce small dietary changes

What you choose to eat post retirement would have a profound impact on your health as well as the environment around you. It pays to opt for organic food at this age, as these foods do not contain harmful chemicals that may harm your body. Consider switching to a vegan diet as meat can be expensive as well as cause more pollution via meat farms that contribute directly to the greenhouse gases responsible for global warming.

Buy a water filter

The amount of money one spends on water bottles these days is unbelievable. These use and throw bottles tend to end up in landfills around the world, taking years to decompose as they pollute the environment. As such, purchasing a water filter would enable you to both drink filtered tap water and save money on these plastic bottles.

Plant a garden


In addition to buying your fruits and vegetables locally, consider planting your own vegetable garden if you have the space to do so. Homegrown vegetables not only taste better, but help you reduce your carbon footprint to an extent. A home garden would also enable to enjoy an additional source of income by sourcing your vegetables to local markets.

Walk or bike more

Instead of opting to drive your car around, consider riding a bicycle to nearby places. This will help reduce your carbon footprint significantly in addition to reducing carbon emissions from your car. You can also opt to walk to nearby places and benefit from both a green lifestyle and a healthy, fit body.

Consider carpooling for saving on fuel costs and reducing emissions. Check around your neighborhood for individuals who would be more than willing to drive you as well as others around.


Going green is an option that needs to come to the front of your mind post retirement. If you are contemplating the option, make best use of available resources to reduce your carbon footprint.

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