Pesticides add to plant growth problems: Study


For long, farmers have been using pesticides for increased crop yield, but an astounding fact claims that pesticides may instead be contributing to growth problems. After having researched extensively both on test-tube plants and the real ones, the scientists have come to the conclusion that artificial chemicals in pesticides through application or exposure to crops through runoff disrupt natural nitrogen-fixing cycle between crops and soil bacteria. The disruption resulting in lower yields or significantly delayed growth. Let us understand how Pesticides add to plant growth problems, impacts the environment and our health.

PNAS study reveals

In the paper, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), the five-member team reports that agrochemicals remain bound to and chunk links to specific receptors (NodD) inside rhizobia microbes living in root nodules in the soil, which is particularly fatal to leguminous crops such as alfalfa and soybeans that need such interaction to naturally replace nitrogen levels. Legume plants emit chemical signals that engage the friendly bacteria that work with the plants to convert atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia, which is used as fertilizer by the plants, but overuse of agrochemicals leaves a shortage of natural nitrogen in the soil for the next year’s crop to utilize.

Overuse of fertilizers strips nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorous from the soil, interrupting root structures and disturbing the nitrogen-fixing bacteria, resulting in poor soil quality. Pesticides add to plant growth problems has been in the news for quite a while.

The researchers would now look forward to conducting field-wide experiments, in addition to verification tests the exact elements of pesticides that restrain natural plant-bacteria interaction.

Booming pesticides business costing human health and environment

The Los Angeles-based Amvac Chemical Corp. is making a booming business fueling a double-digit revenue growth by selling some of the world’s most dangerous pesticides.

In its unusual business practice, Amvac has bought the rights to older pesticides from larger companies, many of the pesticides being at risk of being banned or restricted out of safety concerns.

The company has struggled hard to keep those dangerous and hazardous chemicals on the market as long as possible by either hiring scientists or lawyers to help fight with the regulatory agencies.

True, it is profitable, but Amvac’s this focus on older pesticides is costing human health and the environment hard. The EPA and state records, regulatory investigations and a string of lawsuits informed.

The company’s pesticides have led to accidents that involved evacuation of neighborhoods. IT has also poisoned scores of field workers in California and elsewhere.

Steve Schatzow, a former director of the EPA’s pesticide program and now an attorney for pesticide firms said,

There’s something here rather unique, which is a company that basically goes intentionally after chemicals that are in trouble because of health and safety concerns. (Amvac) buys them up at a discount price from the major chemical companies who no longer want to be associated (with them).

Pesticides and Pregnancy: Things You Should Know

Pregnancy is, perhaps, one of those critical times in a woman’s life where extra care needs to be taken since we are talking about two people. Everything starting from the diet to medications and health care, all need to be given special attention since the condition of the mother will determine the condition of the baby.

The use of pesticides is on the rise. Almost all food items like fruits, vegetables and crops come loaded with pesticides. This, on a regular basis, can be quite harmful to the mother and the foetus. Given in this article are the ways by which the Pesticides add to plant growth problems and how harmful chemicals used in growing food crops affect the health of pregnant women.

Agricultural pesticides:

The first three to eight weeks is when the neural development of the foetus is taking place. The lady carrying the bay cannot, under any circumstances, put herself and her baby at risk by living in a place where there is an abundance of agricultural chemicals being used. It is advised to migrate to a better and cleaner place at least until the baby is delivered so as to avoid any unwanted circumstances.

Domestic pesticides:

Statistics show that almost 75% of the pregnant women are exposed to some form of chemicals or another, even at home. Such continuous exposure to pregnancy results in birth issues like limb defects, oral cleft, and neural tube and heart defects too. Miscarriage or pre-mature delivery may also occur if the mother stays in the vicinity of these harmful toxins. 

Organic or natural pesticides:

These pesticides, unlike the synthetic ones, are produced solely from substances of the plant origin. Having said that, this does not mean that they are better or safer to use than the chemical ones. They consist of toxins and are as harmful to the pregnant lady and her foetus as other types of pesticides. Your best bet here is to make use of boric acid for killing pests at home.  It is less harmful and more effective. Ask for the blue form of boric acid at any hardware store.

How can one reduce the exposure to pesticides?

As is said, prevention is always better than cure. Which is why it is better to lessen your exposure to pesticides than to treat its consequences later on. Some of the effective methods are:

  • Use organic food:

Organic foods have the least amount of pesticides on them. Also, these foods are quite nourishing and the best bet for the health of both the mother and baby.

  • Wash your eatables thoroughly:

Fruits and vegetables must be completely washed to get rid of even the slightest trails of pesticide that might be there. Even organic food must not be consumed without first washing it.

  • Limit the use of pesticides at home:

Bugs and pests at home can be a real pain, but make sure to not overdo the use of pesticides especially when there is a pregnant lady in the house.

    • Take precautions while sprays for pests are being used:

Remove all items of everyday usage like utensils and other stuff when the pesticide is being used. You don’t want traces of the chemicals to be left on them so that they can later enter your body and harm the unborn foetus directly.

  • Don’t handle the chemicals yourself:

The best way to stay away from the fumes of the pesticide is to remove yourself from the area it is being used. Stay away from the place form the stipulated period of time mentioned on the package.

Pesticides cannot be completely eliminated from the process of growing and cultivating crops. It is the need of the hour, given the rise in the demand for food crops. Having said that, precautions can be taken by pregnant women and new mothers as to not expose themselves and their kids to the harmful effects of pesticides and insecticides.

Consuming organic food is on biggest advantage a pregnant woman can have and is also the best way to dodge the toxicity of insecticides. A little care and concern goes a long way in preventing even the slightest bit of exposure of women to pesticides during their pregnancy.

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