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Peru initiates massive reforestation drive. Will others follow?

Devastation of forests by human beings is always in cover stories. This time a different kind of news made its way to the headlines. In a real human like activity, Peru has started an ambitious drive to regrow millions of hectors (acres) of forest, which has been destroyed by more than 40 years of abuse in terms of illegal logging, pollution, and slash – and – burn farming, a report says recently.


Inrena (National Institute of Natural Resources) has begun a massive planting session in Peru’s Amazon basin along the Pacific coastline and in the Andes highlands with millions of saplings to restore the previous forest completely. In Mahogany saplings alone, the institute plans to plant one million in the next two years. Relying on more than 1500 nurseries around the country, the project aims at 52 million saplings per year and soon is expecting computer related irrigation equipments to accelerate the process.

Inrena president Roberto Angeles said:

The importance of managed forests is that they are fully exploitable, compared to natural forests which, when completely uprooted, would cause the destruction of the ecosystem.

This is indeed a welcome move by the concerned authorities. When the Earth is losing its forest covering by as much as five percent per year, this step can be a pathfinder to all other countries. The gradually vanishing greenery from all around the world has created massive problems in terms of ecological balance, and has been the prime cause of extinction for some of the species. Deforestation forces the wild animals to come out of their habitat and more news of wildlife attacks on human and vise versa has been in the news for quite a long time now. The entire echo system is being changed, creating a negative effect on the eco system. In this context, this step taken by Peru to restore its forest area can only be welcomed all over the world. This can be a lesson for all other countries. If Peru can start it, we can at least follow their steps to make this World green again.



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