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Newly installed solar panel at Robins to power hydrogen fuel production station

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The U.S. Air Force’s Advanced Power Technology Office has recently installed the sun-tracking solar panel at Robins Air Force Base. Magnifying glasses are there to amplify the sun’s power 500 to 1,000 times. Utilizing this concentrated photovoltaic array technology, the solar panel traps an impressive 38 percent of the solar energy.

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Displaying the state-of-the-art technology, the highly efficient panel generates 25 kilowatts of electricity at peak hour. When the weather is windy, the panel returns to a flat position. It keeps on generating energy, albeit not that much as it normally does on a sunny day.

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The Air Force Base will be powering its power grid for one year initially with the free energy and if the trial proves successful, the period of usage can be extended thereafter. The solar power intends to counterbalance the power used by a newly installed hydrogen fuel production station.

Via: Robins

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