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Newfound tiny ‘golden frog’ adds to Colombia’s amphibian-diversity status

the newly discovered golden frog of supata could f

While on one hand, scientists are all set with their last-ditch efforts to save the world’s most threatened frogs from extinction, on the other a team discovered a brand new species in a remote mountainous region of Colombia.

The newfound frog species is, interestingly, yellowish in color – the color of gold – and hence named ‘golden frog of Supata’ after its color.

Measuring almost 0.8 inches or 2 centimeters in length, the tiny frog though was found similar to several other common species in the area, is unique and can be spotted only within a 20-hectare area of the region – possessing the world’s most diversified amphibians with more than 583 species.

According to Science Daily, Oswaldo Cortes, team leader and one of the winners of the 2007 Conservation Leadership Programme awards said,

The importance of this project is not just the discovery of the new frog.

But, most importantly, what this new discovery shows is how little we still know about our planet, and the many species that haven’t yet been discovered. This is why it is so important to work with local communities and educate them about the need for conservation.

The discovery itself signifies how little the Earth’s biodiversity is known.

So, scientists besides efforts to save the existing species, gear up for revealing the world’s unexplored biodiversity.


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