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More you dance, more you generate electricity!

More you dance, more you generate electricity

‘Partying helps power a Dutch night club’

Here comes the world’s first sustainable dance club, which generates electricity. This might be a bit impossible to digest as partying is never considered to be eco-friendly but here in the Watt Club it will be possible. The Watt Club is the world’s first night club to have a dance floor (one of a handful energy generating floors in the world) that harvests the energy generated by jumps and gyrations and transforms it into electricity. With the help of human engineering, Watt powers itself.

dance floor FiFgZ 18722

The average energy produced by a person dancing is 20 watts; therefore two people together can light a bulb. A report says:

“The company hopes to sell the dance floor technology to other clubs and is offering green certification to those that reduce emissions 30 per cent. Sustainable Dance Club is now getting an inquiry a day from clubs about the floor”.

The other side of the technology is that, greener clubbing will not help in reducing the green house gas emissions which are the root cause of global warming. With high sound woofers, night clubs are the biggest electricity guzzlers. For greener results, these problems would have to be overcome first.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rzb3VFi3Sew&hl=en&fs=1]

Via: The New York Times

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