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London to boast temporary housing, thanks to Beijing Olympics


The Beijing Municipal Science & Technology Commission (BSTC) announced yesterday that the temporary accommodations built for the Beijing Olympics will be shipped to London and re-used at the 2012 Olympic Games. BSTC has joined hands with De Boer Group, the world’s largest provider of temporary accommodations, in order to recycle the accommodations for use at the London Olympics.


All the materials, equipment and products that went into the making of the Beijing Olympics temporary accommodation last year were all made in China. The Beijing Olympics saw a total of 31 competition venues, 17 non-competition venues and 45 training facilities the previous year. These venues consisted of buildings, seating, interior fittings, parking lots and pavements, electric wires and circuitry, and road signs, all of which were designed as temporary structures and are capable of being recycled over and over again.

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