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Know all about prenatal pregnancy test

prenatal pregnancy test

In order to ensure that your baby has no developmental problems, it is important to undergo certain tests during your pregnancy. Of all these tests, some are the common ones that every woman needs to undergo. However, others are only required if your doctor suggests so. Here is a list of some of the prenatal pregnancy tests that are most frequently carried out.

Routine visits

From the time you conceive till the delivery day, you need to regularly visit your doctor. During these visits, you doctor performs general check-ups to see if you and your baby are doing well. These visits are very important to ensure that there are no sudden complications.

The checks that are usually done during regular visits are:

1. Urine sample is tested to see if your protein and glucose levels are normal. An abnormal result would mean a problem with you or the baby.

2. Your blood pressure will be checked each time you visit the doctor. If your blood pressure is found to be higher or lower than the normal value, you need to seek the doctor’s advice.

3. After 20 weeks, your doctor will also measure the size of the uterus to know about the height and position of your baby.

4. Fetal heart rate will be measured from week 12. Your doctor will either use a Doppler or a fetoscope to hear the heart beat of the baby.

5. Your doctor will also advise you on having proper nutritional diet so that you gain normal amount of weight.



Ultrasound is a regular test that helps the doctor to detect several things like early pregnancy, size and development of the baby, measurement of different parts of the fetus, any early abnormality etc. It is done in order to ensure that the fetus is growing properly. Normally, you need to get an ultrasound done three to four times during your pregnancy.

Ultrasound uses high-frequency sound waves to detect what is going on inside the body. These sound waves are produced when an alternating current is applied to a transducer. Before performing the test, a special lubricant is applied to the abdomen. The transducer, in combination with the lubricant produces sound waves that pass through the abdomen to the pelvis. Different parts of the pelvis reflect the sound waves in different ways which helps the doctor to get an idea of fetus. You are recommended to drink water and keep your bladder full during this test because this helps your pelvis to rise and the test results become clearer.


Alpha fetoprotein

Alpha fetoprotein can be detected in the amniotic fluid and is produced by the fetus as it grows. Its level can be measured by testing the blood. This test is done between week 16 and 18 of the pregnancy.

A higher level of alpha fetoprotein in the blood indicates complications like spinal cord problem, central nervous system problem or even Down syndrome. An ultrasound is often done after this test to check where the exact problem lies. Not all the women are suggested to have this test , but if you want to undergo this test there is no harm.



Amniocentesis is a process where a small amount of amniotic fluid is collected to test if the fetus has any birth defects or other complications. This test is useful in detecting chromosomal as well as genetic birth defects. It is carried out between week 15 and 18.

During the process, the woman is made to lie flat and the abdomen is cleaned with iodine solution. A thin needle is inserted in the amniotic sac and 30 ml of amniotic fluid is collected. The whole procedure is monitored with the help of ultrasound. It takes around three weeks to know the results of this test. The whole test takes a few minutes and it is painless in most of the cases. However, some women do complain of cramping or spotting.

This test is only advised for women whose babies are at a risk of complications. Amniocentesis does have a little risk because in rare cases women suffer from miscarriage or uterine infections.

Common blood tests

Women need to undergo blood test a few times during their pregnancy. A number of tests are done from your blood sample to ensure that you are fit enough to give birth to a healthy baby.

The tests that are carried out using your blood sample are:

1. Hemoglobin level is checked to confirm that you are not anemic. If the levels are too low, you need to take iron supplements.

2. Blood group and Rh type is determined. If you are Rh negative and your husband is Rh positive, doctors need to pay special attention to the fetus.

3. Your blood is checked to detect the level of antibody that is present against German measles. This is because if you are infected by German measles during your pregnancy, it will be risky for your baby.

4. It is checked if your blood has any signs of syphilis infection. If you are found positive, proper medical treatment is provided to you and your baby.

5. Hepatitis B test is also done because it can be risky for your developing baby.

6. HIV test is done from the blood sample. If you are HIV positive, you and your baby need to be treated.

7. PAP smear is done to detect if there are any signs of cervical cancer.

8. Gonorrhea and Chlamydia cultures are performed to rule out the risk of these infections.

Group B strep swab


This is a very important test that detects the presence of Group B Streptococcus bacteria in your vaginal, intestinal or rectal areas. If not treated properly and on time, your baby might suffer from life-threatening disease like sepsis or meningitis.

The test is very simple, where the doctor will swab your vaginal and rectal areas and send the sample to the laboratory. If you are detected positive, you need to take antibiotics intravenously. Oral antibiotics are not effective, as the bacteria is very resistant. An intravenous antibiotic just before the delivery is very effective. Its timely treatment can save your baby’s life.


Glucose tolerance test

Some women tend to suffer from a high sugar level during their pregnancy. The condition is called gestational diabetes. Glucose tolerance test is advised for such women between week 24 and 28.

Before the test, you are required to drink a very sweet solution containing 50 grams of glucose in 5 minutes. After an hour, your blood sample is taken and the result of the test arrives in 2 to 3 days. If your blood sugar is abnormally high, you need to take your doctor’s advice on how to control it. Gestational diabetes usually ends after the baby is born.


Chorionic villus sampling

Chorionic villus sampling is used to detect any genetic defect in the fetus. It is a very effective test and can find out almost all types of defects including Downs syndrome. This test is done between week 9 and 14.

During the test, a thin needle is inserted in the uterus and
a sample of chorionic villi is taken from the placenta. This sample is then tested to see if the baby has any defects. All women are not advised to undergo this test as it has risks of miscarriage, vaginal bleeding, cramping and Rh sensitization. Only women who are found at a risk of having an abnormal fetus are advised to have this test. If the test results positive, an ultrasound is done to confirm the health of the developing fetus.


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