How to Keep Your Refrigerator Clean and Fresh

cleaning Refrigerator

With time and an equal amount of negligence from your end, the refrigerator in your home starts to develop a bad stench. It would soon escalate to the point where you cannot even open it without wearing a safety mask. So what do you do to thwart this situation? Of course, regular cleaning would help. Investing a little amount of time to clean the refrigerator occasionally would help it remain clean and fresh for longer period. Here are some excellent tips that would help you in the process.

Use Baking Soda for Dried up Spills

Spills that have dried up over time can be hard to remove. Not to worry though for all you need is some baking powder. Remove all the contents of the refrigerator. Now sprinkle a little amount of baking soda onto a damp scrub or sponge and scrub the shelves, sides and compartments nicely. Use another clean, damp sponge to rinse these areas. You will be amazed at how easily the spills and stains come off with baking soda.

Use Vanilla Extract for Fragrance

If you hate that bad smell emanating from the refrigerator every time you open it, then use some vanilla extract to combat the problem. Apply a few drops of vanilla essence onto a damp sponge and simply sub the inside of the refrigerator with it. To keep the smell intact for a longer period, simply dab some vanilla essence onto a cotton ball and place the latter inside the refrigerator. Your fridge will smell great every time you open it afterwards.

Use Lemons for Bad Odors

Another way to keep your refrigerator looking clean and smelling fresh would be to rub the inside with a sponge dabbed in limejuice. As in the previous tip, you can also opt to dab a cotton ball in lemon juice and place the latter inside the refrigerator to keep it smelling nice for longer periods.

Use Tomato Juice to remove Malodorous Foods

Sometimes a prolonged power cut can result in the foods in the refrigerator getting spoilt, causing the entire fridge to smell horrendous. In this case, all you need to do is remove the spoiled foods and clean the inside of the refrigerator and freezer with a damp sponge. Apply some concentrated tomato juice (sans the seeds) onto the sponge and rub the inside thoroughly. Rinse out the tomato juice with some warm, soapy water and use a dry towel to clean up afterwards. Repeat the process until the bad odor fades away completely.

Use Salt to Remove Dried Stains

Like baking soda, salt can easily remove dried stains from the refrigerator without scratching the surfaces. Simply mix about a handful of salt in a cup of warm water. Dab a sponge in it and scrub the inside of the refrigerator and freezer nicely. Use a clean sponge to wipe away the salt solution and you will be amazed at how the stains and spills seem to follow suit.

Use Vinegar for Stubborn Stains

If your refrigerator has some stubborn stains that simply do not diminish with baking soda, tomato juice or even salt, consider calling in the expert, vinegar. All you need to do is mix vinegar and water in equal proportions. Using a sponge, rub this solution on the interior and exterior of the fridge. You can also use concentrated vinegar to wipe away the dust collected at the top of the refrigerator and prevent mildew growth in the bin interiors. Using a dry cloth, wipe away the vinegar solution and place a box of baking soda inside the fridge to get a fresh smell once you are done with the cleaning.


You would need to clean the refrigerator periodically to keep it clean and fresh. Instead of using chemical based cleaning solutions for the same purpose, consider using home based cleaning solutions that would get your fridge squeaky clean and odorless in no time.

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