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Keep a close eye on your child’s behavior and intervene when necessary

Keep a close eye on your child’s behavior

Parent often struggle with feelings to control the behavior of their kids. They get into arguments or try to rectify their behavior patterns by employing punishments but even it fails to give the desired results after a while. Parents usually find it hard to control the behavior of their kids. Here are a few tips to gain control and help them make good decisions.

Make an action plan

Make a list of things you want to change in your kids but try to focus on things that should be given preference. When you have a list with you, try to highlight top five priorities that need your attention. Issues that pose a safety risk must be on top on your priority list. If your kids try to skip their breakfast or do not want to do their homework then you must include them in your list. Start addressing the issues one by one and help your kids improve in each issue of concern. When you successfully alter one behavior pattern of your kid, move on to the next entry on your list.

Follow a routine

It is important that you discuss it with your kids and explain what you want to change in their behavior and the reasons behind it. Do not confuse your kids by using words they hardly understand and do not beat around the bush. Be clear and concise.

You must have clarity of thought when you share your plans with your kids and tell them about the penalty if they do not follow the routine. For example, you can ask them that if only they finish their homework on time they would be able to watch cartoon series. Do not forget to keep some rewards if they live up to your expectations.

Help your kids learn new behavior

Do not lecture your kids or bring up the issue repeatedly as it hardly makes a difference. Most of the parents try to explain things that are quite difficult for their kids to understand. Quiet surprisingly, you may not have understood the same things when you were their age and even if you could do not deny that all are different. Focus on developing skills that can turn them into successful human beings.

Do not expect a change overnight

You cannot deny the fact that a change in behavior patterns rarely happens overnight. You may have to face some resistance or try hard to execute your plans but that is quite natural. Do not lose heart if your kids fail to relate with you or do not show any interest. Keep yourself positive and keep trying until you get the support of your kids in achieving your goals.

Keep your promises

If your kids behavior changes, you must appreciate their efforts and keep your promises to give them appropriate rewards. Do not make promises that you cannot keep as you are supposed to set good examples for them. Psychologists believe that those parents who praise the good behavior of their kids find it easy to change their kids’ behavior. Yelling or scolding them for bad behavior is not as effective as praising them for good behavior.

Give importance to their interests

It is important that you give importance to your kids and their interests. Do not change their plans if they clash with your routine of work. Do not interrupt them in between their favorite cartoon series as it may instigate negativity and provoke them to behave badly. Do not take your work back home if it interferes with their regular routine or keeps you from spending time with them.

You can never control the behavior of your kids by employing punishments or by restricting them. Learn to win their trust and help them improve on faulty behavior patterns.

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