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What is influencing your teen drinking habit the most?

It is a great matter of concern not only for the parents but also for the society that the number of the youngsters especially teenagers are getting indulged in drinking habits. When we think about the after effects or long term effects of the drinking habit among the teenagers then the picture is always horrible and concern worthy. What will be the future of these children? What health problems they can face in future? Will they be able to become good and responsible citizens? And what kind of kind of society that will be which will have such citizens? These are some questions that haunts the society, parents and the country as well. The drinking habit among the teenagers is increasing and there are various factors responsible for this viz. teen dating, parent’s behavior, social media like T.V. and films, parenting style.

1. Teen Dating

According to a survey the teenagers with a new girlfriend or boyfriend are more tentative to be influenced by drinking habits. As a romantic partner is more likely to hail from a different background and circle so dating not only introduces the teenagers to a completely new and entirely different social networks but it also creates an atmosphere of pressure inside their psyche. For example; if a girl who has not tried alcohol at all starts dating a boy who drinks quite often then there are possibilities of that girl to stick to drinking habits too.

2. Parent’s Behavior

Parent’s behavior is the second major factor that can influence the drinking habits among their children. According to survey conducted by Dominic Hughes, the health correspondent of BBC news, children who see their parents drinking have almost double chances to get involved into drinking. Poor parental supervision, their behavior, what they say and an early introduction to alcohol are also responsible for developing drinking habits among teenagers. For example; the teenagers and children always notice their parents and elders, they follow them and try to be like their parents and if their parents often drink in front of their children then their chances to get indulged into the drinking habits are almost double.

3. Social Media Like T.V.

Commercial adds and films which promote alcohol always use such alluring styles and methods that leave a great impression on the tender minds of the children, especially teenagers. They start believing that they can become “cool” and “stylish” by drinking alcohol like the model/celebrity who endorses. According to a survey the tender minds of the teenagers are more vulnerable to these commercial adds and films. The parents must take critical steps against these advertisements and tell their children about the fake and misleading fallacies involved in these advertisements.

4. Romantic Partner’s Pal

A recent survey shows that some secondary relationships are more influential than the close friends or romantic buddy in making them stick to drinking habits. A teenager’s long time friends are more likely to have similar conception when it comes to values and living style. But a romantic partner is more probable to belong to a different background and circle. Some studies show that the teenagers are more influenced by their partner’s friends than the partner’s themselves. For example, if a boy and a girl are in a relationship then in order to better match their habits and interests they are impelled to change their drinking or other habits like the boy might cut down his drinking and the girl might start drinking. But partner’s friends do not have such limitations and thus the teens who are interested to get accepted by their partner’s social groups are more vulnerable to drinking habits because they think this would please their romantic partner.

5. Parenting Style

Parenting style is another major factor which is responsible for developing drinking habits among teenagers up to a large extent. Parents who drink in front of their children quite often in fact make them more vulnerable to drinking habits. Poor parental supervision is some other thing that acts as a catalyst to promote this habit. An easy access to alcohol is another major reason which contributes in increasing the drinking habit among teenagers. For example; parents who regularly drink in front of their children don’t have proper supervision of their children’s behavior and those who keep the alcohol within the reach of their children always increase the chances of their children to adopt drinking habits than others.

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