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Human-induced global warming not behind hurricane activity: Forecaster claims

hurricane activity not effected by man 9
Humans have been blamed for global warming for long, which in turn has been believed to be effecting natural changes in ocean currents. But, hurricane forecaster William Gray claims that it is not man, but increased activity of Atlantic hurricanes in recent years that are affecting the ocean currents.

In a speech at the National Hurricane Conference, Gray said,

I think the whole human-induced greenhouse gas thing is a red herring.

Gray’s closely-watched annual forecasts for the hurricane season that revels the Earth has warmed in the past 30 years. But, the forecasts also say the reason behind it was the fluctuations in ocean currents.

To the relief of the environmentalists and other scientists, it is in five to 10 years, a cooling off period would begin with the change in the currents again
, Gray predicted.

Gray told,

I see climate change as due to the ocean circulation pattern. I see this as a major cause of climate change.

(The changing ocean current) goes back for hundreds of thousands of years. These are natural processes. We shouldn’t blame them on humans and CO2.

According to Gray, the Atlantic current appears to change with and form the rise and fall in water salinity.

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