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How to lose weight the green way

If you want to turn over a new leaf in your life, losing weight and going green are probably very high on your list. But did you know you can actually combine the two goals together and maximize the payoff? We tell you how.


1. Regular H2O all the way

The carbon footprint of your average can of cola, takeaway coffee, canned juices, teas, beer and other beverages is simply mind boggling. And all of them contain calories as well. To cut out these unnecessary calories and the added carbon footprint, simply switch to plain old tap water as your beverage of choice.

2. Walk the talk

Walking is the least strenuous form of exercise. Plus it is a legitimate means of emission-free commute. If you merge the two, you can count your daily commute over short distances as workouts.

3. Ditch the gym for home workouts

You do realize that keeping a floor full of gym equipment running through the day puts a strain on the environment, right? And every hour that you spend in a gym contributes towards that too. However, you can cut out these extra emissions from your personal carbon footprint by working out at home with electricity free equipment, jogging or yoga.

4. Give up all processed/canned foods

Canned and processed food has to undergo a mechanized canning/processing and packaging process, it’s usually transported long distances, it needs to be kept in refrigerated areas in supermarkets and it is also advertized all of which contribute heavily to carbon emissions of an area. If you shop at your local farmer’s market, you bypass all these added emissions, plus you also get the freshest produce that is free of preservatives and additives that actually make you fat. Since you have to eat these foods either raw or cook them manually, they help you stick to a diet while cooking helps you burn a few calories.

5. Clean up manually

If you use a simple broom, a mop, a bucket of water, a feather duster and a homemade cleaning spray to clean up your home, you can actually reduce your energy consumption by much while working out every muscle in your body. You can also wash your clothes, your rugs and your car manually to burn fat and reduce your carbon footprint.

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