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How to keep the blind slates clean and make them last long

<![CDATA[Blinds protect your homes from sunlight, heat and dust. It is very good way to make your office or home look very modern, and chic. Unlike the regular upholstery, blinds are easy to use, lightweight and are cheaper most of the times. But dusty, dirty blinds bring more harm than good.

Thus, it becomes very important to keep the blinds vacuumed and dusted, to save the homes and offices free from unwanted germ build-ups. However, at the same time, it is also essential to choose methods that help maintain the life of the blinds, and which do not snatch away their luster and shine.

The most effective techniques to clean the blinds

Knowing the type of material is the first, most important step towards this process. Unlike fabrics, you cannot just open the blinds and put them in a washing machine. Rather, it takes a little more care to clean them up.

Blinds could be made of plastic, wood, and even aluminum. Soaking works for plastic and laminated wooden blinds, but definitely not for a very long time. Light brushing and regular dusting will also help prevent the accumulation of dirt.

Cleaning wooden blinds            

Real wooden blinds are definitely expensive but they add in the air of style and a true oriental feel. Cleaning blinds made of this material, takes time and effort. But this work does impart a longer life and retains the sheen, which is all that you want, right?

Use a damp rug for regular cleaning, or wipe them with lemon oil. This smart tip not just removes the stains, but also keeps the luster in place. Make sure to clean each slat, each time. Dust and pollution would otherwise mount up and reduce the life of the blind.

Cleaning aluminum, PVC, and vinyl blinds

Aluminum being highly flexible makes up for a perfect blind. To clean aluminum blinds soak them in lukewarm water and some mild detergent, and let the soiled slats clean themselves. Brush off the tough stains, rinse well with plain water, and air dry the blinds.

Same works for PVC and vinyl blinds. Spraying with a hose is also an easy technique, if there’s a provision to take the blinds out and clean them.

Cellular Shades

Regular vacuuming and cleaning with a damp cloth works wonders for cellular shades.

Summary Blinds are meant to keep the dirt and pollution at bay. Using these simple and effective tips, you can keep the blinds clean without spending a lot of time.]]>

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