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How to fight climate change?

How to fight climate change

The world is already facing the consequences of the gradual warming of the planet. Untimely excessive rain causing widespread flooding, abnormal number of tropical cyclones creating havoc, are just some instances of global warming. Humans always thrive for better living and for that to happen we need to develop economically and mentally at a rapid pace. But for the sake of development we are sacrificing the basic virtues of our environment.

Development, ofcourse, is the key but countries moving ahead rapidly with economic developmental programmes should also concentrate on limiting the damage done on the environment as a result of emission of excessive green house gases. When it comes to making countries such as the United States, China, India and Brazil work on a common target to limit green house emissions, there is a lot of politics involved in it. China and India are especially negligent in tackling global warming as the methods somehow limit their new found economic success.

But the according to environmental scientists, the consequences of global warming can be disastrous. If no immediate action is taken, the rise of atmospheric temperature could lead to floods from rising sea levels, which in turn could lead to the displacement of 100 million people. Melting glaciers could cause widespread water shortages while droughts would occur at regular intervals harming vegetation and human population. Scientists are even warning of a mass extinction of many wildlife species. The poorer countries would be greatly harmed by global warming. According to the UN, global warming is partially responsible for many of Africa’s violent conflicts, including the Darfur crisis.

The world’s richest countries are mainly blamed for the lack of any constructive effort to reduce greenhouse emissions. The United States claims to be working closely with other developing countries, but Washington always prefers voluntary measures on the part of industrialists to reduce emissions. According to environmentalists, the voluntary approach should be replaced by a strict government control if global warming is to be tackled.

Broadly, speaking, testing of weapons and missiles, innumerable conflicts are playing a major part in raising the planet’s temperature. But, it is highly unlikely that conflicts can ever be stopped. But the role of individuals is immense while working on the reduction of global warming. Vehicles should run on bio fuels and there should be a replacement of fossil fuels. Sustainable forestry should be encouraged everywhere and each country must have an independent environmental watchdog answering directly to the government. Last but not the least private and public sectors should come together to develop new energy technology which reduces emissions but at the same time does not risk economic growth.

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