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How co-parenting can help you raise happier kids

co-parenting can help you raise happier kids

The concept of co-parenting revolves around the right of a child to maintain a stable relationship with both parents in case they are divorced, separated or not in a romantic or cohabitation relationship. Most people that share a child but are not in a relationship believe that the parent with whom the child lives has a greater responsibility in the rearing of the child. But the fact remains that co-parenting helps raise happier kids. We tell you how it works.

The child is able to spend time with both parents

Co-parenting helps the child spend time with both parents and gets to know them as individuals. In a way, this fosters a better and closer relationship between each parent and child. When both parents touch bases with each other on a regular basis and take parenting decisions together, they are able to provide a stabler family environment to the child. With co-parenting, neither parent feels that they are being left out of the child’s life and the negative feelings that come with such situations do not affect their parenting style or relationship with the other parent.

The child is able to understand themselves better

One reason why co-parenting has become so popular is that such an arrangement helps a child find their own roots in each parent. By seeing the behaviors and traits they share with both their biological parents, the child is able to get a better understanding of their own self. This inculcates a sense of a security into the child which further keeps negative emotions and behavior at bay.

Co-parenting keeps feelings of abandonment at bay

Children whose parents don’t live together often feel abandoned. But these feelings can easily be prevented by co-parenting which helps a child feel happy.

Disciplining becomes simpler to understand for kids

One of the biggest challenges for co-parents is disciplining kids. Some kids even like to play parents against each other to escape punishment or to get what they want. However, when parents provide a united front and take disciplining and other decisions for the child together, the child is able to understand the authority of parents better and takes them more seriously.

Co-parenting is often stressful for adults as such a relationship is often unconventional. However, if adults can put their differences aside and take parenting decisions as a team, they would be able to raise kids that are happier and better-adjusted.

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