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Health expert urged to tax parents of more than 2 kids

having more kids proposed to be taxed

With the ongoing talks on the effects of climate change to the world, an Australian doctor proposed to charge couples exceeding two children with lifelong climate change tax. This is a way of having sustainable funds in the fight against accumulating greenhouse gas caused by human activities.

Such proposal had been published in the Medical Journal of Australia seeking parents to pay AU$5,000 (US$4,400) per additional child and AU$800 every succeeding year. Professor Barry Walters at the King Edward Memorial Hospital in Perth said using contraceptives and procedures to stop conception would be helpful to gain carbon credits.

Walters added this proposal if ever will be implemented applies to everyone and the carbon tax that will be collected will be used in funding the planting of more trees in combating the pollution produced by extra kids.

Walters’ proposal was in relation to his criticism on the prize that the Australian government is giving to a couple who will have an extra child to boost the declining population of remote areas in the country with only 21 million population. A couple is usually given AU$4,000 bonus.

He said that every child born creates a greater risk of having more emissions and wastes contributing to global warming. Instead of giving the bonus to the couple, he added, the money should be a fund for environmental protection.

Professor Garry Egger, director of the New South Wales Centre for Health Promotion and Research, supported Walters’ proposal saying population explosion remains as an all-time consideration nowadays.

Professor Egger said that population control needs to be emphasized and be a major point of discussion in connection to the complexities of ecological revolution.

Yahoo News

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