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Florus combines trash cans with public planters

You know you are in a truly modern city when you can find trash cans in public spaces every few yards. Most cities around the world adopt the wastebasket style see-through mesh trash can though they can be very unseemly for passersby walking past them. Other popular options chosen by municipalities are trash cans that come with an opening near the top into which the trash can be deposited. These waste containers hide trash out of sight and even add to the appeal of a public space through their polished or brightly colored design. This kind of waste containers, however, is also very difficult to maintain since they are not very easy to clean. Waste often remains stuck to the insides of these trash cans and can result in foul smells which can attract cockroaches and flies unless they are cleaned out meticulously. Moscow-based Art Lebedev Studio has come up with a rather stunning alternative to the trash cans generally found on city streets.

The design the Russian studio has innovated is called Florus and it can be described as a hybrid between public planters and a public trash cans. The Florus consists of a lamppost like design with the base module hiding a waste container insider while the upper end is used to house a flowering, flourishing plant. The lower end of the design features a panel that can be opened to access the removable waste container. This container can be lined with a trash liner to eliminate the possibility of trash striking to the sides of the can. The trash door would feature an opening above it to allow people to dispose of trash easily. The design can be used to beautify public spaces while keeping trash out of sight.

Via: Yanko Design

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