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EcoDisasters: Where did we go wrong?

Sometimes nature goes on the offensive, plays havoc with the ecosystem and we keep on censuring floods, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and landslides to be the offenders. However, if we probe underneath, we might realize that, most of the time, that reckless human activity keeps on contributing to alter those eco-equations irretrievably. Such incidents had been there in the past and it will continue to be the same unless we realize where we went wrong and how we can do better.

Here, we present some of major environmental disasters until date. Hope we get the message and do something to mend our ways or be prepared for the doom.

Salinity in Australia:
salinity in australia

Southeast Asian haze:
southeast asian haze 2006

Saemangeum Seawall:
saemengeum seawall

Uranium mining in Kakadu National Park:
uranium mining at kakadu national park

9/11 Health Hazards:
twin towers attacks aftermaths

TVA Kingston Fossil Plant coal fly ash slurry spill:
kingston oil spill

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