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Caribbean monk seal goes extinct

Caribbean monk seal goes extinct


Like the dodo bird and the Tasmanian devil, the Caribbean monk seals too will be seen only in pictures and sketches. The U.S. government has officially announced that the species is extinct. A sad loss to all animal lovers. Native to the Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico, the Caribbean monk seals were first discovered during Columbus’s second voyage in 1494. Since then they have been ruthlessly hunted for their blubber, skins, food and captured for scientific study and zoos. As a result their numbers fell alarmingly. The Caribbean monk seal has not been seen for more than 50 years. The last confirmed sighting was in 1952.

Years of search to find or confirm sightings of any Caribbean monk seals have been futile. Over hunting and pollution are the only reasons cited for their demise. The Caribbean monk seal now joins the species of marine mammals that have gone extinct in modern times, which include the Atlantic gray whale and stellar sea cow.

The Hawaiian and Mediterranean monk seals are the other monk seal species that remain but they too are endangered and on the verge of extinction. The destiny of the Caribbean monk seal is a rude awakening for us to act fast to protect other endangered species and preserve the biodiversity of the planet.


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