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9th Month Pregnancy Diet – What to eat and what to avoid

9th Month Pregnancy Diet

Becoming a mother is blissful. When you are in the ninth month of your pregnancy, you need to take special care of yourself and your baby. You have to keep a track of your baby’s movements inside your tummy which ensures that the baby is fit and fine. You need to also pay special attention to your medical check-ups and make sure that all the general things like your blood pressure,heartbeats,weight etc. are perfect.

You also need to pay special attention to any vaccinations that you may need. This is very important for the safety of you and your child. Not just physical care, but the mom to be might also experience several emotional changes. If you find any signs of depression, make sure that you keep a check on them as well as it can lead to unnecessary complications. You also need to keep a special watch on your diet. That is of utmost importance.

Diet: What to eat or what not to eat?

One of the most important things to pay attention is, of course, your diet. You must check with your doctor and get a list of things which you must be eating and stuff that you need to avoid completely. It is of utmost importance that you follow a diet which is nutritious. You should make sure that you keep your body hydrated by drinking sufficient water.

Also, eat a wholesome diet which is rich in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, dairy products etc. It is important that you get certain important minerals from your daily diet. These important minerals are:

  • Iron

This is mainly important to prevent anaemia. Eat lentils,eggs,spinach,chicken,fish,soyabeans etc.

  • Folic acid

This is most important in order to prevent any birth defects in the baby. You must consume legumes, leafy vegetables, cereal,oats, asparagus etc.

  • Calcium

This is important to increase the strength of the bones of your child. Have a banana,dairy products,nuts, sesame,almonds,oats etc.

  • Foods rich in vitamins

It is important to consume foods that are rich in vitamins like A, C, B12, E etc You must, therefore, eat carrots, spinach, citrus fruits,dairy products,fish etc.

  • DHA, Carbohydrates and fibre

It is also very important to have foods that supply sufficient quantity of carbohydrates,fibres and DHA which is a type of fatty acid for the proper development of your baby.

There are certain foods which must be avoided totally. They are as follows

  • Totally avoid soft cheese which may have listeria which can result in complications. Instead have hard cheese.
  • Avoid caffeine as it can result in constipation. You can opt for fresh fruit juices which are good for health.
  • Unpasteurised milk should not be consumed at any cost by pregnant women as it can lead to complications like toxoplasmosis.
  • Alcohol and tobacco are strictly prohibited for pregnant women.

Pregnant women can opt for certain supplements in the ninth month of pregnancy. They can have multivitamin or multi-mineral supplements. If for some reason the pregnant woman is not getting sufficient amount of calcium, she can go for calcium supplements.

Similarly, since pregnant women must get a certain amount of folic acid and iron on a daily basis they can opt for folic acid and iron supplements. They can consult their gynaecologist for getting details regarding the supplements that they can consume safely in the ninth month of pregnancy.

Proper care and a healthy diet are key factors for a healthy pregnancy. In order to ensure that the overall development of the child is proper in the womb, it is important that the mother takes care of her diet and health in the best possible way.

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