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6 Things you can enjoy about the tween

World changes with age and even though the world was the same, people change with time, or more appropriately, with age. When a child enters tweens, there are more than just hormonal changes going within him. There is also the inability of the parents to adapt to this change in their child that affects the kid. The child is not to be blamed for this, for he does not do this intentionally. It is biological process that takes place with everyone. Remember, you were this crazy, little, arrogant girl someday! Be your child’s friend. There is a lot to enjoy with your child when he or she is in tweens. You will love it when you accept the changes in your child’s body.

1. The Good News: You Have a New Buddy

When your kid enters tweens, trust us, there is a lot in your child to explore. Try being friends with him. Take your child out, talk to him; learn about his opinion of friends and movies. You will find, in your child, a person with set opinions, views about people and things, and a perception of life. Ask your child why he does not like Spinach. He might say, “Because I don’t like Popeye,” or “Because I don’t like green things.” See, you have explored your child a little.

And it’s not that kids in tween are always crazy. Your child could develop more love for you. Besides, you will be a much happier person when you see your child develop a liking for learning.

2. Make It Even Better

Susan Kuczmarksi, Ed.D., author of The Sacred Flight of the Teenage: A Parent’s Guide to Stepping Back and Letting Go, advices parents to appreciate the changes taking place in your child. It is necessary to understand that with age, it is important for a person to change. When you expect your child to mature after his teens, what is the harm in accepting your child’s behavior to change when he enters tweens.

3. The Good News: You’re Past the Do-Everything Stage

A child in tweens brings you comfort and gives you what you call ‘Shedding off responsibilities’. A child in tweens is much bigger than the adolescent or the small kid you had to clean the bottom of, spoon feed, dress up, and comb hair of. Such a kid likes taking up responsibilities and dislikes being treated as a small baby. So what? You should not be taken aback with this change. You should not hate it either. It will bring you so much comfort if you take it all brightly. There is work you can hand over to your kid. If you have a daughter, ask her to assist you with dumping the garbage or cleaning the dishwasher. If it is a son, ask him to arrange the furniture or buy some stuff from the nearby market. It makes life so much simple for you! Ever thought of it this way?

4. The Good News: He Gets the Jokes

Tween brings a whole new level of understanding. So, you can crack jokes with your child when there’s no one else to share things with. Watch a comic movie or a show, and you will not be the only one in the house to laugh. What is the point enjoying a show when you do not have anyone to enjoy it with! You will definitely have some sweet memories to remember forever. And if you can laugh with your kid, why would he not like to share what he overhears outside. Nice way to keep track of your child’s surroundings, eh?

5. The Good News: She’s Interesting

What is it that your child loves doing? Is he interested in sports? Does music interest him? Movies? What kind of movies – action, drama, romance? Don’t be surprised if your child loves romantic movies. Being a romantic by heart is the best thing to be. It is just a part of him that you will get to know. If your child loves painting or drawing, watch him design some sketches while you enjoy a whole new aspect of your child’s personality.

6. The Good News: His Friends are Hysterical

You might find this age crazy. Your child’s friends may not be super-decent and quite, and your child may pick some habits from them. Enjoy it. It is an age where things have a different meaning. They have a fascination for cars, outrageously loud music and downloading songs. Enjoy it. Join him in the fun!

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