3 Tech gifts for Gizmo toddlers

Playskool Alphie

The modern gizmo kid is no longer interested in dolls and cars! Technology is everything now – from play to work. And today, the dividing line between work and play for a child could be blurred by making the process of learning, interactive and fun. When learning becomes fun, it is sure to be retained by the child. Fun also makes the child look forward to the educative process. Technology has presented us with a variety of options to make education fun for your gizmo toddler. Here are three tech gifts you could consider buying.

1. Discovery Kids Teach ‘n’ Talk Exploration Laptop

Price: $20 – $40

Manufacturer: Discovery

This would be a great laptop for the young ones to begin their life in the cyber world! It has an easy to use keyboard and an elegant monitor. This would be an amazing educational tool. It has, built-in to it, more than 60 challenging activities and games which involve introductory mathematics, spellings, geography and even music. These built-in games need no additional software support. All you need to do is to purchase the laptop and it is ready to go!

The LCD screen is large and it pivots easily to either sides to make a convenient viewing for both, the child and the teacher/parent. A realistic dual-button mouse is available for easy navigation and also offers introductory training for the child. Since it runs on 4 AA sized batteries, it is wireless and portable. It weighs only 3 pounds and any child will be able to use and handle it with ease.

Kids nowadays are more or less glued to meaningless games and the idiot box. This laptop will now present an educative and meaningful way to occupy the kids. When you are on the move, traveling either by road, rail or air, you could keep the child engrossed and busy with this handy laptop. This would be a perfect way to introduce the child to the world of technology with brain-teasers, educative games and music.

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2. Playskool Alphie

Playskool Alphie

Price: $37.66

Manufacturer: Playskool

Well, not all kids are old enough to start using a laptop! But with a large number of superhero cartoons doing rounds on the telly, there is hardly any kid who does not know and love a robot. Alphie is a genial electronic robot who will definitely be good company and playmate for your child.

The robot will sing, talk and teach your kid. And as it does any of these, there are small bulbs that light up and delight the child. It is little surprise that the robot has become popular among the parents and other adults also! The robot will be a good way to introduce your little one to improved math skills, spellings and music lessons. Logical reasoning, cause and effect and other skills are also the strong point of Alphie.

The robot comes with 30 double-sided cards which serve as valuable educational tools for the child. Thus, you get a playmate for your kid with capacity to interact, educate and entertain too. It should definitely figure high among any geeky child’s need-list!

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3. V-Tech MobiGo Touch Learning System

Price: $49.96

Manufacturer: Mobigo

Here is a device that promises a hi-tech experience for your child. The MobiGo V-Tech, as its name suggests, is a portable hand-held system of gaming and education that allows the children to enjoy their learning experience. The top feature of this product is that it is a touch based, interactive gadget. Thus, the child gets introduced to the concept of touchscreens which are definitely the future of the gaming, computing and cellphone industries.

But that is not all. There is a sliding QWERTY keyboard hidden behind the screen and it can be used whenever necessary. It has been stylishly designed and it definitely gives the child a chance to familiarize itself with a keyboard. And though it boasts of all these hi-tech features, the device is robust and sturdy and can withstand the stresses and strains of the child’s handling.

Loaded in the device are problems and games that involve math, dexterity, reasoning and the other curricular activities. If you notice your child paying special interest to your Droid tab, iPhone or iPad, then you should seriously consider getting your kid the MobiGo V-Tech.

Buy Now: Amazon

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