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150 million in coastal cities will be exposed to flood risk by 2070

If you live in one of those lovely coastal cities of Miami, New York, Kolkata, Shanghai, Mumbai, Tianjin, Tokyo, Hong Kong and Bangkok, then beware, according to a recent study, you might loose your city and property to great floods by 2070. A report from the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development has forecast that as many as 150 million people in the world’s big coastal cities are likely to be at risk from flooding by the 2070s.

The report released on Tuesday analyzed the vulnerability now and in the future of 130 port cities to major flood. Total property and infrastructure exposed to the risk of being damaged from flooding is expected to rise to $35 trillion – 9% of projected global GDP.

Miami will be the city with the greatest danger of being exposed to flooding from storm surge and damage from high winds with $3.5 trillion of its assets exposed to the risk. Guangzhou in China will be the second most exposed city in terms of assets by 2070 followed by the cities I mentioned before.

The only remedy left to protect our cities from obliterating from the face of the earth is to curb global warming now.


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