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12 Amazing facts about newborns

If you have a baby, you are probably aware of the versatile and unpredictable attribute possessed by him/her. You can expect each day to add a fresh experience to your life. The diverse characters have always been fascinating and many a times, inspiring for you. While some facts about babies can be funny, others may keep the neurons engaged thoroughly. Human life emerges out as one of the most simple, yet multifaceted. Each child is different and seeing him/her grow right from your womb is an extraordinary experience. Getting to know about your baby a little closer, increases the mother-child bonding to an elevated level. Here are 12 wonderful and amazing facts about babies, you would really love to know.

1.The missing kneecaps

The baby’ kneecaps are not bony when they are born. The kneecaps are cartilaginous which develop after six months of age. A baby usually army crawls, instead of using all the four limbs. While in uterus, the growth centers around the kneecap form. However, they may not show until just before or just after the baby is born.

2. May born is weighty

Delivering a weighty child has a fascination in May. Babies who take birth in May have been found to weigh about 200 grams more than those born in other months of the year. This apparently is the good time to please grandmothers with heavier babies.

3. Crying, but no crying

Although you may have had endless sessions of your baby crying, the fact is that babies cannot cry in true sense. What you see babies doing is screaming and howling. Babies cannot create and shed tears unless three-four weeks old.

4. Birthmarks

Having a birthmark may seem exciting and exceptional. However, they come with babies as a rule. If your child has stork bites, angel kiss or port wine stains, do not consider them as abnormalities.

5. Hearing all what you say

The newborns can hear all noises around them, regardless of whether they are loud or soft. They would react to anything new, getting startled at the dog bark nearby or comforted by the gentle whirring of the dryer of the washing machine.

6. You smell like roses

The sense of smell is strong at this stage. Even at your dirtiest, your baby prefers your flavor for the first two months after birth. Smell is the most advanced sense organ at birth, unlike the eyesight which may take some years. Since a babies’ brain is unable to process information, the eyesight takes some time to develop.

7. A head turned away

If your newborn turned his/her head away at an offering, he/she is possibly not hungry. Just as you would not want to have anything with a full tummy, the baby also doesn’t want anything more when he/she is satiated. It is not that your baby always hates the food you feed.

8. Loyal to mom

A few weeks after birth, the baby can visually differentiate between his/her mother and other people. When the mother is around, the baby is soothed. Missing mothers are a cause for worry. You would be happy to know that your baby recognizes your voice and smell right from birth. The baby is loyal to his/her mother.

9. That awaited smile

The baby does not keep you waiting for too long in delivering that first smile! He/she can give the first non-gassy smile at only one month old. You may indulge them in funny faces and/or voices to judge if your child is ready for giving that smile. Repeating the gags is also a good idea.

10. Heaviest baby, literally

In 1955, the heaviest baby ever was born. It was an Italian baby boy weighing 22 pounds and eight ounces. Having a baby weighing 22 pounds is not unusual today, with the weight already measured on record.

11. Beautiful eye color vanishes

Almost all babies are born with blue or blue-grey eyes. However, as the months follow, the babies have permanent eye coloration, which may change the eye color. The newborn babies have a continuous pigmentation process of the iris. Dark skinned babies usually have dark eyes.

12. Small tummy for endless feeding

A baby has a very small stomach, measuring only the size of a fist (not yours, the baby’s). On an average, an 8lb baby can accommodate 3 ounces of milk. This is the reason for frequent but small quantity feeds .

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