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10 Ways to keep teens smoke free

A cigarette has been defined as ‘a roll of paper with a fire at one end and a fool at the other’! In light of that definition, it is surprising that 1.3 billion people (one fifth of all the people on the earth) are such fools who smoke. That in itself shows how compelling and addictive a cigarette could be. Most of the chain smokers today are those who began this deadly habit in their teens. And so, the best way of battling smoking would be to prevent your teen from taking that first puff. Here are ten suggestions to go about doing that.

1. Understanding the attraction

Teens take up smoking for a variety of reasons. These range from appearing cool, feeling good about themselves, losing weight or simply due to peer pressure. Understand the reason(s) for which your teen is attracted to smoking. Be supportive. Applaud the teens’ good choices in life and talk them out of this bad one. Talk to them about how smoking is falsely glorified in movies and teach them real ways of being cool and feeling good about themselves.

2. Putting your foot down

You may think that your teen is rebellious and will not listen to you. But that should not prevent you from firmly saying no to smoking. A strict and firm command from the parents has more impact than you probably imagine. The impact is much more if the teen feels close to the parent(s). Disapproval must be made known in an emphatic manner. The teen must know that he/she is paining and hurting you by smoking.

3. Setting a good example

“Practice what you preach” is an age old adage. Don’t expect your teen to say no to smoking if you are yourself guilty of that habit. If you are a smoker, quit now.That will also have a positive impact on the teen and inspire him/her to keep away from cigarettes. If you are finding it hard to kick the habit, consult a doctor. In the meanwhile, do not commit the act in front of your teen. Also let your teen know that you are ashamed of your habit ( and be truly ashamed of it too!)

4. Appealing to the teen’s vanity

Present the facts to your teen. Smoking is smelly and unclean. It gifts a bad breath and yellow, discolored teeth. It causes wrinkles on the skin and makes the hair and clothes smelly too. Chronic cough begins right away and reduces your stamina, physique and looks. Teenagers have vanity and it is only right that you use that to your benefit when it comes to dissuading them from getting into smoking.

5. Appealing to the math logic

Teens are very sharp an intelligent. They love reasoning and logic. Appeal to them by calculating the daily, weekly, monthly and annual costs of smoking a pack a day. Convert that cost into opportunity costs for a lovely vacation, an electronic gadget or other teen essentials.

6. Knowing that peer pressure will be there

However well you might coach your teen, the factor of peer pressure is always there. Peer pressure is actually sheer pressure and unless taught, the teen will find it hard to resist it. Teach your teen how to handle tough situations and how to refuse the first smoke. Rehearse an imaginary conversation if necessary. It is better safe than sorry. Also teach your teen the ABC of life – to ‘Avoid Bad Company’ and to ‘Always Be Careful’.

7. Taking addiction seriously

Only an addict will know the power of an addiction. The teen will never be able to understand how consuming the first smoke might eventually turn out to be. Do not allow your teen to assume that smoking can be given up that easily once taken up. Once hooked, it is a Herculean task to quit.

8. Predicting the future

Draw a mental timeline of the future with smoking. Cancer, strokes and heart attacks not only affect the victim but have a debilitating impact on the smoker’s near and dear ones too. Destroy the myth, ‘bad things happen only to others’, that many teens assume in the heights of their youthful energies.

9. Thinking beyond cigarettes for substitutes

Many think that smokeless tobacco, clove cigarettes and hookahs are clean substitutes for cigarettes. Replace that habit with other passions like games and sports. A dose of yoga and meditation also helps the mind to relax and feel strong. Faith in god and religious adherence also acts as a strong motivator for teens to abstain from smoking.

10. Getting involved completely

Anti-smoking is a lifelong commitment. You must take a stance and participate in anti-smoking campaigns and support efforts. And if your teen is already into smoking, be gentle and loving. Do not issue threats and ultimatums. Patience and perseverance go a long way in transformation. Show the teen that you care. He/she may not respond in a manner that you want, desire or hope for. But if you put in enough love, things will turn out good in the end!

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