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Baby nursery niceties items

Expecting to welcome your baby home in few months? This is the happiest and busiest time in your lifetime. You will be busy browsing shops, internet and talking to people to get ideas and advise, collecting information to keep everything ready for the baby. While you are still making the final list, keep in mind to categorize it. You will have some which are essential, few would be recommended and some are niceties to have in the baby nursery. Market is full of products so attractive that one can’t stop from buying. The niceties things are good to have in the nursery but should be given a thought on what exactly to buy and how much to spend on them. Some might not be worth to buy since they might not be of any or much use. Here is some useful information on these niceties. Take a look at it before taking any decision.

1. Colorful objects

Watching colored objects circling above the head nearly hypnotize some babies to sleep. In fact, all that colors and motion can stimulate others. Buy something which is of attractive colors. Choose something you feel is cute and your baby will like it. Don’t spend on anything expensive since it will not be used for long.

2. Baby swing

Try the new ones which not only move in a front-to-back, but also side-to-side as in Mama’s womb. If your baby loves to sleep in the swing, you’ll have to buy the ones with batteries for constant motion rather than manual. If you travel frequently, you can go for portable models, you have plenty of choices.

3. Glider or rocker

Gliders and rocker are certainly the ones mom can relax on. Babies are calm and quite if mothers are relaxed. These are the favorites too since they offer actions, rocking and snuggling. When you are doing this with your loved one, nothing like it! Just place the angel on your cheek and rock till you land in the dreamland. Try the comfort level before making the final choice.

4. Bouncy seat

At times babies get positional fatigue; they don’t prefer being in one fixed place. Put her in the bouncy seat if she has been lying down or you have been carrying her for a long time. You can select one that comes with vibrating function, babies love it. Avoid turning the annoying music and flashing lights.

5. Toys

Toys are so attractive and one tend to buy without thinking how much it will be of use for the newborns. They are so small to pay with them yet. You can buy them only to decorate the nursery. You can buy rocking horses, cars, wagons, and other which look cute in the nursery. If the grandparents, uncle, aunts and dad feels to buy something crazy let them go ahead! Remember this will not be of immediate use and you can keep adding when your baby grows.

6. Closet organizers

These closets may become useful and handy as your baby grows. While choosing, go for one which suite your height and such that you can position the shelves. These are easily available at most of home improvement stores. These can be adjusted to suit the needs and the height of the baby as it grows. It also helps your baby to be more independent if he can reach and get his clothes and toys. Teach him to arrange his own stuff. This is a useful storage unit where you stuff extra toys, blankets, cloths and make the room lot organized and less cluttered.

7. Play yard

Try the new ones which have changing partitions, shaded canopies, mobiles and many more which suite your needs and lifestyle. This need not be bought immediately but can be given time and thought.

8. Wipe warmer

These are generally helpful for babies living in colder climates. Wipes are cold no matter what you do. Wipes generally at the bottom third of a stack generally gets dried. This needs remoistening.

9. Portable stereo

This is a gadget which has to be used intelligently. Try music which is smooth like the classical music, any soothing songs, soft rock, and instrumental music or try a lullaby CD.

10. Room thermometer

Babies, have a difficult time regulating their body temperatures. Their body quickly becomes cold or overheated. Your baby becomes fussy if the room temperature is not comfortable. A room thermometer may help you find out if it’s comfortable for baby. Buy one which is inexpensive, this will work.

11. Wall art

Wall accessories look cute in your baby’s room. Try inexpensive solutions such as hanging a colorful quilt, letters spelling your baby’s name, Even framing a cartoon will do.

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