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10 Family activities that teenagers will enjoy

Involving your teen in family activities can be a challenge, as teens are primarily focused on their social life and peers. Finding activities that cater to teen’s interests is the key to getting them involved. Motivating your teen will work best by allowing him a level of control in choosing activities. Teens want to feel like they are being treated like adults. Be sure the activities you choose give them enough choice so they feel involved in the same. Following activities can help assist you and your family in creating a strong life long bond and help foster better relationship.

1. Family dinner

You have probably heard the saying “The family that plays together – stays together”. While that is certainly true, there is another important activity that the whole family should be doing together – eating dinner. With weird work schedules and after-school activities, family schedules are becoming crazy. Unfortunately, this means that you and your family are missing out on some important bonding and more. Try and eat dinner together with no distractions, such as television or phones. Eating a family meal together not only promotes better eating habits, but also gives family members time to discuss their day and new happenings.

2. Physical activities

If your teen is into sports or exercise, doing those things together is a way to get him/her involved with the family. Try going on a family hike or bike ride. Take up mountain biking or whitewater rafting, if your teen is into extreme sports. Yoga is a good family activity and many yoga studios offer low-impact or family yoga classes. Swimming is another activity the whole family can safely participate in. If your teen plays sports for school or on a team, be sure to take the whole family to games.

3. Crafts and cooking

Your teen may have an artistic side. If this is the case, try family crafts. Jewelry making and tie dye are some crafts the whole family will enjoy. Cooking is another activity that can be done as a whole family. Allow your teen to plan the menu and help you shop. Have the whole family help cook and then enjoy your meal together.

4. Family outgoings

One way to bond with your teen is to take a family trip to an amusement park. Concerts are another activity that you can do with your teen. Historical excursion, camping, go fishing, swimming, etc., are some of the appreciated family outings.

5. Participate in religious activities

Children in families that participate in religious activities together are more likely to report seeing expressions of love and affection between their parents.

6. Family night

A great way of having fun while bonding with your family is to create a “family night” where the entire family participates in an activity. This can be as easy as a board game night, an evening out at a fun family restaurant, or to go see a movie.

7. Help in academics

Helping your children with their homework not only allows you to spend time together, but enables you to see what they are learning and how they are doing academically. Your support and praise will go a long way in boosting their confidence in school.

8. Teaching normal values

Teaching your children the importance of volunteerism and giving back by volunteering for a local charity or organization can show them the importance of what they have and make them a more socially conscience person.

9. Appreciate

By telling your children you love them and giving compliments or positive feedback frequently, you can foster their confidence and perception of themselves. By listening and being supportive of their ideas, even if you do not agree, makes them feel as if they can come to you with their problems and discuss their true feelings.

10. Practice role plays

By role playing, you can teach your children even the most difficult subjects like bad effects of drugs, sex and such topics which otherwise is difficult to explain.

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