Healthcare technology has been experiencing amazing advancements of late. A number of healthcare innovations have been introduced in the market, and are capable of changing the way one views the healthcare industry. Several companies are also in a rush to stake their claim by introducing various healthcare innovations they claim would change the very future of the healthcare industry. As such, here are the top 7 healthcare innovations that stand true to these claims and can in fact, change the way the healthcare industry operates.
Tiny Nanobots in Blood
Image Source : S1.Yimg.Com
The day will come when tiny robots replace the white blood cells in the body and do a great job at replicating the latter’s functions as well. These nanobots will have their own sensors and propulsion systems which will aid them in performing small tasks. These include delivering strong chemotherapy and even destroying bacteria and other harmful pathogens.
Robotic Flight Stimulator Surgery
Image Source : TopNews.Ae
Surgeons usually undergo years of training before they become adept at surgical procedures. In most cases, the trainings are done in live environments where the risks of a mistake can include the death of the patient.
Thankfully, the advent of the Robotic Surgery Stimulator (RoSS) by the Roswell Park Cancer Institute will allow surgeons to breathe easy while training for risky surgical procedures.RoSS offers these surgeons a real world view of how actual surgeries would look like, thus allowing these surgeons to practice in a stimulated environment with no lives at stake.
Needleless Blood Test
A blood test can be a bitter experience, especially if you end up giving a comparatively large amount of blood for multitude tests. Not anymore though! A company called Theranos has devised a way to run blood tests with micro samples of blood.
These tests can be run on just 1/1000th of the blood that is drawn currently for tests. In addition to reducing the amount of blood needed for these tests, this would reduce the associated lab fees substantially.
Mobile Stroke Treatment Unit
Nearly 800000 people suffer from brain attack or a stroke in the U.S. alone every year. The survival rate of a patient who has experienced a stroke can reduce drastically with every passing minute. Instant revival is a must in these cases, and a mobile stroke treatment unit would be the perfect answer for the same.
These mobile units feature vehicles equipped with all the medical facilities needed to treat individuals who have just had a stroke or brain attack, thus increasing their chances of survival and reducing the risks of permanent damage.
3D Printed Biological Materials
Image Source : O.AolCdn.Com
3D printed materials have been doing the rounds of late. However, the use of this technology in healthcare can prove to be substantially beneficial for mankind. Using 3D technology, one can print out almost any biological material needed for a treatment or surgical procedure. These may include, but are not limited to, skin, heart tissues, blood vessels, stem cells, bones, cartilages and even entire organs.
Digestible Sensors
Image Source : TakesOnTechnology
The human body remains a mystery for doctors who still find it hard to decipher how the body functions to different situations. A digestible sensor can provide the necessary information in this case by remaining in the human body and transmitting information about it to an electronic source outside. This, in turn, would allow doctors to understand the patient’s condition more thoroughly, and offer customized treatment plans for the same, thus improving the quality of healthcare provided to individual patients.
Needle Free Diabetes Care
Image Source : BioTuesDays.Com
Life for a diabetic individual is literally one filled with needles. Regular blood tests and medications to control the conditions would leave these individuals at the mercy of countless needles on a daily basis. Thankfully, this situation can be changed by a company called Echo Therapeutics which has designed a skin patch that can replace the poke of the needle.
The patch attaches to the skin and contains a transdermal biosensor that can read the blood sugar levels through the skin without drawing any blood. The sensor collects and transmits the readings on a real time basis and triggers an audible alert whenever the levels go beyond the optimal range prescribed for the patient.
Healthcare innovation is gaining new grounds every day. Several recent innovations in the healthcare field have the potential to change the future of the entire industry in the coming years.]]>