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The classic French lady’s guide for a beautiful figure

Ever wondered how French ladies always manage to remain slim irrespective of what they eat and what they do? While some may attribute it to their genes, the truth is far from that. A French lady’s biological system is no different than that of an American, African, Asian or any other woman for that matter of fact. What then makes them keep that gorgeous figure intact? Here is a French lady’s guide to maintaining a svelte figure that might shed some light on the same. Apparently French ladies:

Do not worry about fitness so much


That’s right. A French lady does not break her head about keeping fit. Nor does she spend countless hours in the gym, trying to burn off calories. Rather, fitness is ingrained in her everyday activities. She climbs the stairs instead of riding the elevator or escalator. She squats rather than sitting in the toilet. She walks to meet someone in person and convey a message rather than call or email them. She cycles to work rather than drive a car. And she does about 50 jumping jacks every day before breakfast. All this proves one thing; fitness is just another part of a French woman’s life rather than being an added inclusion.

Pay extra attention to portions

consuming fatty foods

You will never be able to see a French woman shy away from French fries or other fatty foods. Neither will you be able to see a French woman excuse herself from fat laden foods. But the only thing she would do is keep an eye on the portion that she eats. French women are very wary of how much eat at any one time. They ensure that their plate is at least half empty, and contains very miniscule portions of foods. Thus, they get to enjoy their favorite foods and still remain thin in the process.

Never snack in between meals

eating chocolate

It may sound unbelievable, but French women never snack in between meals. They stick to the regular three meals a day habit and never resort to bingeing on crackers, chips, biscuits, cake, nuts, chocolates or ice cream. You can never find a French woman eating while walking on the street as well or grabbing a quick bite to eat. If she wants to eat, she will sit down for her meal and eat with minimal distractions.

Drink black coffee and not milky latte

black coffee

French women drink a lot of black coffee that has zero calories in it. This would be a boon for coffee addicts in the country who cannot do without their regular cup of coffee, but still end up losing weight in the process.

Sleep peacefully

Young woman sleeping on white bed

French women value their sleep. They ensure their body gets adequate rest and sleep so that they feel energized the next day. It is also amazing to note that they have no qualms in switching off their mobile phones completely or keeping them in another room for the night so that they can enjoy an undisturbed sleep.

Keep personal and professional lives far apart

Woman in underwear posing

One thing you have to hand it to French women is their ability to keep their personal and professional lives far apart from each other. When they leave the office for the day, they literally leave the office. This means no working from home, no bringing files back from work and no after office hours calls. This allows them to remain stress free, thus reducing the cortisol levels in their body, which would otherwise deposit fat around the abdomen.

Do not worry about body image


Not every French woman out there has a picture perfect figure. There are voluptuous women in the country as well. But one thing you will notice for sure is that no one belittles others based on their body image. Neither are they self-obsessed about their body image as well. The sense of pride, shame or guilt is never a part of their national psyche. Hence, they never force themselves or others to change for them. Rather, they learn to embrace every body type with grace and dignity.

The talk about French women and their enviable figures never dies down. While a lot of individuals attribute their bodies to genes, a lot of other factors like personal-professional balance, portion control and adequate sleep, etc. come into play here.

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