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Should polio make way for other diseases in our priority list?

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Has time come to give priority to other health problems by making our fight against polio eradication a secondary one? Aren’t we spending too much time and efforts on fight against polio, especially when there are problems, which are more voluminous? The smog of such questions, carrying several doubts, emanated from a WHO meeting held this week.

No doubt, many people would be carrying quite a different opinion about it and some would also be nourishing quite a sanguine attitude towards fight against polio, which is on the move since 1988. In this scenario, it has become quite important to know what exactly has prompted such bleak questions to effloresce in the meeting. Is it because:-

Some more grim health issues have raised their heads.


The achievements that we have attained in our fight against polio are sufficient.

Here I would say that if some experts think that we have attained adequate success in our fight against polio and should focus on other burning health issues then they seem to be at fault. Opposing this view we can say that no doubt, fight against polio has resulted in 99 per cent drop of polio cases; still we can’t keep a blind eye to the fact that countries like Afghanistan, India, Nigeria and Pakistan are still having a big percentage of polio patients. Moreover, these countries still haven’t chucked up their aim of complete polio eradication. Secondly, we can also not keep the fact visored that polio still strikes about 2,000 people a year, especially children.

Secondly, if the reason behind such bleak questions, hurled against polio, is the fact that some more grim health issues have raised their heads, which require to be tackled first, it seems somewhat logical but it doesn’t mean that we should flee from the battlefield in which we have been fighting polio for years. Briefly, I mean to say that no matter a health issue is smaller or bigger it should be fought with equal zeal and intensity.


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