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Raw diet

Raw Food Diet

Our lives have become super fast. In the current era, major population of the world has opted for consuming junk and convenience foods. These food items are beneficial for the human body in short run whereas in the long run these foods become the major cause for development of vulnerable diseases.

Raw Diet

Fresh fruits
, veggies, dairy products and nuts can help you lose weight rapidly. These foods improve the health of your body and mind. On the other hand, junk foods supply saturated fats to the body which pile up as harmful fat content over the passage of time. The fat content pollutes human body. Raw foods are able to cleanse the body by supplying essential minerals and vitamins.

Raw Diet means consuming foods that are straight from nature and uncooked. The foods are not processed or refined. For example, a plain apple is a raw food. You can consume foods from the following list when you are on a Raw Diet.

  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Legumes
  •  Beans
  • Dried fruits
  • Seeds
  • Nuts
  • Sprouts
  • Coconut milk
  • Fruit Juice
  • Vegetable Juice

Juices must not be considered as the main source of nutrient gain. Juices lack in fiber content which is present in the fruit and vegetables. You may soak the nuts and dried fruits in water to swell them. Wait for some time till the sprout and seeds appear. The same procedure can be followed with legumes.

Pros of Raw Diet

The diet helps in losing weight rapidly. The body stays clean from impurities, poison and toxins. Immune system and digestion becomes better. The best part is that you are able to maintain ideal weight. The high fiber intake provides enough energy to the human body to perform necessary daily life tasks.

Don’t just indulge yourself suddenly into this diet. Ease yourself into this diet. The diet is not appropriate for growing children and pregnant women.

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