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Opting Yoga to cure Asthma!

Yoga has helped in curing and preventing various diseases. So, it proves to be the best remedy to cure Asthma using a variety of pranayamas and asanas.

There are some pranayamas which help to fight against Asthma:

* Pranayama can help avoid Asthma by having controlled breath
* Dirga Pranayama helps in slow and deep breathing exercise.
* Nadi Shodana can provide relief from stress and emotional turmoil.
* Ujjayi Pranayama helps to cure Asthma triggered by cold.
* Shitali Pranayama can avoid allergic trigger.
* Kapalbhatti Pranayama leads to reduction of muscus congestion.

Asthma can be cured if practiced regularly by the affected person.

Beside the prayanama, there are some asanas helping to cure Asthma. Such as Dandasana, Baddhakonasna, Upavishta Konasna, Virasana, Supta Baddhakosana, Supta Virasana, Setubhanda Sarvangasna, Adhomukha Savasana, Uttanasna,Tadasana Samasthithi.

Consult a doctor or a yoga instructor before following these asanas and pranayamas as well.

Image Credit: Bikramyoga

Via: bodyhealthsoul

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