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Medical tests that women in their 20s should consider a necessity

It is considered essential for individuals to undergo regular health check-ups as, when they near their 20s in order to help protect their body and mind from potential illnesses, infections and diseases. This is especially true for women who must undergo these tests to make sure that they remain healthy and fit for many more years to come. Given below are some of the necessary tests every woman needs to opt for between the ages of 20 and 30.

Weight check

 weight loss regime

Although women tend to put on weight after pregnancy and menopause (and everywhere in between), too much of a weight gain can become troublesome after a point of time, leading to conditions like obesity, diabetes and heart diseases. Hence, it is considered necessary to maintain a healthy weight as well as do regular checks to ensure that you don’t cross the limit.

Pap smear, breast exam and pelvic exam tests

 breast treatment

Women above 20 years of age should most definitely need to go for a Pap smear test as well as a breast and pelvic exam once in three years or so to reduce risks associated with breast and pelvic cancer. It would take all of 10 minutes of discomfort, but the result would be well worth the time and effort. This would ensure that you remain free from cancer and its associated illnesses, including infertility.

Blood pressure and cholesterol tests

 lady checking  blood pressure

Women are more prone to being affected by conditions like hypertension. Hence, routine blood pressure tests would help you stay safe from these illnesses. Again, checking the cholesterol levels on a periodic basis would help ensure that you stay safe from related illnesses like stroke, heart attack and other heart diseases.

Bone mineral density tests

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Women are also more prone to osteoporosis and other bone degeneration illnesses. As such, they would need to opt for periodic bone mineral density tests to check the strength of their bones and identify any potential issues that could become problematic in the future. Women nearing menopause are more at risk of developing osteoporosis and so, should opt for this test once every five years or so.

Heart Health Test

 Doctor holding heart

Cardiovascular problems tend to be the number one cause of premature deaths in women, with more than half of these women not showing any signs of the disease until it is too late. Hence, it is considered wise to undergo a heart health test at the age of 20 and follow up with a test every two years or so. This would help point out any alarming conditions like premature heart disease at the onset itself, thereby making it easier for you to get prompt treatment for the same.

Mole screening tests

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Melanoma is the second most common type of cancer that affects women after breast cancer. Appearing as simple moles that manifest into cell carcinomas over a period of time, melanoma can be treated effectively if spotted and diagnosed early on. Hence, make it a point to undergo a mole screening test of odd lumps or moles in your body at least once a year. Samples of suspicious looking lumps and moles will be tested to see if they are cancerous. This way, you can rest assured that the funny looking mole that suddenly appears on your skin is not cancer.

Dental screening tests

 Kind dentist

Oral cancer is one of the most common types of cancer to affect women. Periodic dental check-ups would help women spot and treat signs of tooth decay and gum disease which if left untreated, can cause cancer eventually. It is highly recommended that you opt for a check-up once in two years or so to maintain dental health. While these screenings should preferably start at the age of 6, it is never too late to start now. So book an appointment with your dentist today.

Other tests

 eyelift treatment

Some of the other periodic tests a woman should undertake after the age of 20 years include eye tests (to spot vision related issues), colonoscopy (to check colon health), audiograms (to check for hearing problems) and immunizations (to remain up to date on vaccinations).


As and when a woman nears 20 years of age, she would need to opt for certain medical tests to remain healthy and fit. The tests mentioned above are some of the more common screenings a woman needs to opt for periodically for the same purpose.

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