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IVF twins may no longer exist


The IVF or the In Vitro Fertilization is a procedure that existed since the year 1978. But, the latest news in the IVF arena is that young women who use the IVF treatment will no longer be allowed to do so. A new proposal render transplanting of multiple embryos illegal.

So, the IVF twins will become a rare breed. The Human Fertilization and Embryology authority has proposed some new ideas. The authority is planning on limiting women to only a single embryo whenever possible. According to experts, this will cut down health complications as well as multiple births.

Back in the day, about three embryos would be transferred to the wannabe mom and hopefully one of them led to a successful birth. But, these led to some other problems in children. The children resulting from multiple births suffered from serious mental and physical problems. The results often turned out to be obstetrics disaster.

So, in order to prevent this kind of things happen in future and for the interest of the children, the authority made this kind of proposal regarding the IVF. If the proposal is accepted, then many IVF therapy patients will be disheartened. So, there’s problems on both sides of the story. I think it’s like a catch 22. You can either save the mom or the child.

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