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Bone marrow transplant linked to cancer?

Cancer patients who go for bone marrow transplants are at higher risk of developing another form of cancer. This conclusion has peeped out from a new Canadian study that covered about 926 patients who had undergone bone marrow transplant. After following these patients for 10 years, researchers reached the conclusion that a big percentage of the patients with bone marrow transplant developed another cancer within 7 to ten years.

Another strange revelation made through this study, states that the chances of another cancer were comparatively higher if bone marrow donor was a woman. However, these researchers have failed to bring out a radical reason behind this.

The new is certainly annoying, especially, for the patients who have undergone bone marrow transplant or thinking to go for it. But as researchers are also not very sure about their finding, therefore they should try to go deeper into the whole concept to come up with firm conclusions.

Image credit: shepmedia

Via: cbsnews

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