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Healhy Seeds To Munch On



Seeds have long been cherished as valuable items and even stored for adversities and it’s safe to save a few. Seed is a small embryonic plant with some stored food called endosperm to a seedling of 2-4 leaves. The seed is covered in a seed coat and the seed coats are represented in many colors. Seeds contain proteins and amino acids for your body. Seeds are given as gift during celebrations and you may serve seeds during occasions. Seeds are to be procured and allotted to airtight containers to avoid spoilage and when in need for energy you can eat a few seeds. Even grains are seeds, that means if you throw a few seeds in a fertile soil it will grow. But now you are knowing about seeds eaten in proportions of teaspoons and tablespoons for your energy requirement.

Sesame Seeds:

Sesamum indicum are full of heart healthy tiny seeds full of health benefits for your body. Vitamins, minerals and protein are in abundance in these cute looking seeds for you to eat and become healthy. You must have seen these on buns and burger buns. Aren’t they attractive to you? It has a mild smoky taste for your taste buds. Handful of seeds can do wonders to your muscles and to your blood circulation.

The importance of the seed is because of the amino acid arginine which helps you to fight heart disease. Arginine is also helpful to reduce infertility in men and women around you and to reduce high blood pressure in you. And for the beauties it has anti-aging properties and stimulates your pituitary gland. In adults, arginine helps you to reduce cognitive decline and sexual dysfunction. Arginine aids the brain to release growth hormones when the growth hormone diminishes in your body. Quarter cup of sesame seeds contain 75% daily fiber, 31% of magnesium,35% of calcium and 30% of iron for your body. Sesame seeds helps to increase the mineral density of your bone and is an immune booster. An immediate effect after having sesame seeds is the decrease in the duration of colds and that’s a good point for anyone of any age to know.

Flax seed:

Flax seed is another important seed valuable for snacking purpose and even oil is made from flax seed. The name of the seed you are learning about is Linum usitatissimum. It has B vitamins, Magnesium, Manganese and Phyto-chemicals for your benefit. Alpha linolenic acid (ALA) is equivalent of omega 3-fatty acid and you know it’s an antioxidant. Omega 3-fatty acid is found in your nut called walnut. It’s a vegetarian source of heart healthy source that contain anti-inflammatory properties for your body. The best part of your flax seed is the presence of lignans in them to protect against breast cancer. For any elderly women in your family flax seeds are helpful in reducing the incidence of flashes that come along with menopause.

Precaution has to taken not to consume raw seeds as it has cyanate; you have to roast the seeds and then eat the seeds for you to be on the safe side. The warm, earthy and nutty taste and smell of the seeds are outstanding for your kitchen. In your colon, the alpha linolenic acid helps to protect the colon from cancer causing toxins and free radicals and hence reducing the risk of colon cancer.


Hemp is rich in nutrients including vitamin E and other immune boosting components for your body. Cannabis sativa is the name of the hemp plant and as you know the name of the plant makes the seed less edible. Fatty acids occupy a major portion of the seeds and you can get a daily allowance by eating hemp seeds. In order to know the dietary requirement, 3 table spoons of hemp contains iron, zinc and phosphorous. Most people drink hemp milk as it’s said the milk contains 10 essential amino acids for your body. Hemp is mainly cultivated for he bast fiber obtained form the plant for making clothes that you like to wear and bags you like to carry. Hemp oil can be utilized as a base to make varnishes, soaps and edible oil for you to choose from the hemp plant.

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