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Fructose intolerance diet


Fructose Malabsorption is the term that refers to digestive disorder. It is also known as Dietary Fructose Intolerance. Deficiency of fructose carriers leads to lower absorption of fructose inside the human body. The disease can be cured with consumption of Fructose Intolerance Diet.

The condition is developed due to deficiency of enzyme known as aldolase B. It helps in converting fructose to phosphate and glucose. Fructose is the sugar content which is usually found in fruits, vegetables and honey.

The symptoms of this disease include constipation, bloating, flatulence, vomiting, mental depression, muscle spasm and diarrhea. You might have to bear abdominal pain due to this disease. You must start Fructose Intolerance Diet at the earliest when you identify such symptoms. Carelessness can lead to liver damage.

Foods to Avoid

All the foods containing 0.5g or excessive amount of glucose in 100kg fructose and drinks should be avoided at earliest. Don’t go for large quantity of fructose. You must avoid all foods that contain high levels of glucose ratio. Sorbitol and high fructose corn syrup should not be consumed at all. Avoid diet drinks, dried fruits, sodas, processed foods, cherries, apples, grapes, dates, prunes, pears and sweet wines.

Foods to Include

The favorable foods to include in this diet are citrus fruits, stone fruit and other fruits such as jackfruit, pineapple, tamarillo, rhubarb, kiwi fruit, banana, avocado, lemons, lime, berry fruit and passion fruit.

Meat is an excellent item to include in this diet. You can eat fish and other types of meats as much as you want. Eating eggs and dairy products is absolutely fine. However, avoid eating dairy products that contain artificial sweeteners. You can eat animal foods without being precautious.

It is recommended to be precautious when you are looking to eat from vegetables and fruits because they contain fructose content. You can eat cauliflower, broccoli, celery, white potatoes, celery, spinach, cucumber, peas, beans, shallots, mushrooms and leafy green vegetables.

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