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How to fall asleep fast

Sleep is a regular condition when the body and mind are comparatively less active. This recurs every night for several hours in which the muscles in the body are suspended from work to a certain extent. Depending on the age of a person, body requires certain hours of sleep and rest. An average adult should get around 7-8 hours of sleep every night. When our body does not get enough sleep, it causes physical, emotional and mental exhaustion. Studies show that sleep deprivation affects the immune system. Body recuperates and regenerates during these eight hours of sleep. Around one third of the entire population suffers from lack of sleep. Various factors affect our sleep. Stress, anxiety, food, drink, environment are some of the determinants which influence the sleeping process. Following are some ways to learn how to catch those winks faster at night.

Complexity Level: Moderate

Time required: 5 to 10 minutes


1. Relaxation is the key:

  • Leave the thoughts behind when you go to bed. Avoid replaying your tensions and worries in your mind while trying to sleep. Instead, imagine yourself in a relaxed environment.
  • Avoid getting excited few hours before sleep. Relax with a book (a peaceful one) or play your favorite soothing music to fall asleep.
  • Sleep in a room where you feel comfortable. Ensure to put off the lights and snuggle under your favorite quilt to get peaceful sleep.

2. Watch the food you eat:

  • Complete your dinner at least 2-3 hours before you lie down to sleep. This gives enough time for digestion. Avoid large, oily and spicy dinners, since they cause indigestion. Indigestion causes heart-burns and will keep you up the entire night. Avoid skipping dinner at night. Hunger will keep you awake at nights.
  • Stay away from sleep deterrents such as caffeine, alcohol, sugar and nicotine.

3. Establish a bed-time routine:

Going to bed at a certain time every night helps you to fall asleep easily. Activities such as taking a warm bath, wearing comfortable clothes, having a warm cup of milk every night makes a bed-time routine. Choose specific actions which relax you and follow them as a regular habit.

4. Check your sleeping atmosphere:

  • Avoid sleeping in a noisy environment. Request your family members to reduce their noise levels after specific time. Keep your room dark and quiet to get a peaceful sleep.
  • Sleeping on a clean bed can do wonders to make you fall asleep. Launder your bed linen, pillow cases and quilt regularly.

5. Say NO to electronic devices:

  • Watching TV just before sleeping is one of the biggest factors to keep you awake at night. Avoid watching TV few hours before you get to bed.
  • Desist from using computer, playing games or listening to hard music which stimulates the mind before you sleep.

6. Exercising before bed time:

Heavy physical activity such as exercising, can have an impact on sleep. Ensure you do not exercise three hours before your bed time.

Frequently asked questions:

What is the best sleeping posture?

Identify a posture which is comfortable to make you sleep faster. It is quite important to have a comfortable pillow under your head and not under your shoulders. Having a pillow between the knees will help you in maintaining a neutral spinal position. Check the firmness of your mattress since it will affect your sleeping position.

Quick tips:

  1. There are plenty of aromatic oils and scents which can relax and make you fall asleep, such as lavender oil, chamomile oil and lime flower oil.
  2. You can invest in a sound proof room or use double shutters to make your room ideal to sleep.
  3. When you cannot reduce the disturbance caused by light, try using eye covers. They can be helpful in making you fall asleep fast.
  4. Under-dressing or over-dressing can cause sleep disturbance. Clothe yourself appropriately before you get to sleep.
  5. Practicing deep breathing helps you reducing having sleepless nights.

Things to watch out for:

If you wake up in the middle of the night and try to get back to sleep, avoid turning on bright lights. This can keep you awake for a long time.

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