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Drink more cocoa to reduce stroke, heart failure, cancer and diabetes risks

cocoa drink 9Now you have all reasons to sip onto that favourite chocolate drink of yours! Have lots of ‘cocoa’ and keep away killer diseases like stroke, heart failure, cancer and diabetes. Yes, it is found that a compound — epicatechin — found in cocoa are striking enough to rival both penicillin and anaesthesia in terms of public health importance.

This is reported by the magazine of the SCI, Marina Murphy in Chemistry & Industry. According to C&I, Norman Hollenberg, professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School told that epicatechin is important enough to be considered as a vitamin.

After years of study on the cocoa drinking-benefits on the Kuna people in Panama, Hollenberg found that the risk of mentioned common killer diseases is reduced to less then 10% in this area. They are found to drink up to 40 cups of cocoa a week with natural cocoa having high levels of epicatechin.

But, Fabricant, vice president scientific affairs at the Natural Products Association says,

the link between high epicatechin consumption and a decreased risk of killer disease is so striking, it should be investigated further. It may be that these diseases are the result of epicatechin deficiency.

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