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Diet & Nutrition Guide

Present day life is too busy for you to focus on anything other than your work and particularly your health.  Your health seems to be the most neglected part of your life and most of the times the diet part is compromised.  Whether it is the need to rush early to office or late working hours or anything else, the most important part that suffers is your diet and ultimately your health.

While it is important to work, achieve success and struggle for all other aspirations, it is necessary to pay attention to your diet. It often happens that you tend to eat whatever is available in how much ever quantities. This is partly due to long hours of work without breaks and improper planning of diet and nutrition. When you are working so hard for yourself, you need to make sure that you do not succumb to unhealthy food as it can affect your health.

What is the amount of Sugar and calories in fruit?

I’m trying to lose weight and my diet plan says I should eat no more than 16g of sugar a day, so immediately I thought I’m going to be healthy and eat fruit on this diet as well, I don’t know the exact amount of sugar and calories in fruit,

Can someone give me information about apple calories?

I love fruits and I know that it’s very good for health specially apple is very good for our skin I use to eat apples everyday because i love eating apple, but yesterday one of my friend told me that you will gain weight soon when i ask how than

How many calories in avocado?

 I am 24 years old and i want to lose my weight , my health expert told me that if you eats fruits then its very good for your health, and i love to eat avocado, so please Can anyone tell me exactly how many calories in  avocado? I

How many calories in coffee cup?

   I understand that it may vary depending on what you put in the coffee. I always have 1 tea spoon of coffee, 2 drops of milk and a sweetener. I just read that over and realized how ridiculous it sounds but anyways does anyone know? I read t

How many calories in apple?

I know that fruits is very good for our health specially if we are doing any diet program then its very useful for us, somebody told me that apple is really very good for health. i don’t know the nutrition facts and amount of calories  in apple .

How to fry chicken like chicken express tenders?

 I just want to know about one thing, how do I cook chicken like chicken express. Like what kind of cooking oil to use and what kind of mixes and batters to get that great taste and light golden chicken look. Also tell me that how many calories ar

How many calories in beer?

I know that alcohol  contains calories and fat, but i don’t know the exact amount of calories available in alcohol. Can somebody please tell me that what amount of calories alcohol contains, and also please tell me the exact amount of calories &nb

Can anyone provide the mcdinalds calories fact?

 I love to eat McDonald’s food items, and somebody told me that mcdonalds calories content is very high so I want to know about the calories in my favorite food that is grilled chicken. I am counting calories and ordered 2 chicken breasts fo

Can anyone give me information about calories in an egg?

 Actually i am little confused about something, i want to know that how many calories in an egg. If i eat 2 eggs daily than is it good for me or i should take more egg. How much calories does yolk have and how much rest of the white part of egg ha

How many Calories in an orange?

Oranges are really good fruit for summer season. I would like to know how many calories are in an orange? Its about medium sized..maybe little bit bigger. One of my friend told me there was one calorie in an orange, the other friend said there were 40

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