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Compound found in abortion drug could suppress breast cancer!

The new finding might give women another reason to have abortion pill RU-486 because researchers claim that the compound mifepristone found in these abortion pills is effective in blocking the formation of breast tumors.

Before wrapping out this finding, researchers studied some mice and found that compound mifepristone impeded the growth of breast tumors by blocking progesterone in mouse breast tissue cells. These researchers believe that hormone progesterone, which plays a significant role in female reproductive cycle stimulate the production of breast cells, carrying a gene linked to breast cancer. However, they claim that compound mifepristone may help women in keeping away breast cancer.

No doubt, this may seem a fantastic news for patients with breast cancer but researchers are not very excited with their new finding because they believe that long term use of compound misoprostone may higher up chances of other complications too.

Image credit: lifenews

Via: msnbc

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