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Cod fish raison d’etre: Benefits of fish oil for women’s health

Fish Benefits


The fairer sex is possibly exposed to the most daunting physical challenges throughout her life, right from the time she enters her puberty to the point she gets rid of her menstrual cycles. And that is just not the end, women have to combat the distressing post-menopausal symptoms as well! On the whole, when it is the lady of the house who has to bear the larger part of family responsibilities, it should be women who need to take additional care of their diet. And fish oil is something that you can just not miss! A potent source of highly effective fatty acids, fish oil can give a tough fight to many of the sorry heath conditions that women are often exposed to.

Prevents cervical cancer

Cervical cancer has its most hideous effects in young sexually active adults, claiming an average of 3,900 female lives annually. Women infected with Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) are at more risk of contracting cervical cancer in the long run. Considering the fact that one in every four sexually active ladies becomes a victim to this virus, it is important to know a way that could take you away from this cancer type. Taking fish oil supplements can marvelously reduce the risk of having cervical cancer, as they restrict the growth of cancerous cells. Thanks to the Omega 3 fatty acids that are found in it. These fatty acids, most importantly, DHA and EPA, reduce the formation of HPV-induced pre-cancerous cells in the body and hence, reduces the chances of cancer due to HPV infection.

Prevents breast cancer

According to a latest research conducted, fish oil can reduce the risk of breast cancer by as much as 32 percent. It is a well known fact that our body needs to strike a perfect balance between Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids in order to reduce the growth of breast cancer. Now, what happens is, both these acids work counter to each other, in the sense that omega 6 fatty acids increase inflammation, whereas the omega 3 acids reduce it. With fish oil being a rich source of omega 3 acids, the risk of getting breast cancer can be reduced substantially. In order to reduce the risk of cancer our body should maintain a 1:2 ratio for omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, which is often not the case. The denominator is often replaced by a higher value, thus increasing the potential of breast cancer. Taking regular doses of fish oil helps keep this fraction considerably constant, thus reducing the incidences of breast cancer.

Reduced risk of osteoporosis

Women are at greater risk of developing osteoporosis than men after the age of 50. We all are aware that the body undergoes changes and becomes susceptible to various unwanted conditions after menopause makes its presence felt. Osteoporosis is one of the prime reasons behind dwindling bone density. Consuming fish oil on a regular basis gives a boost to the bone density. Hence, there are fewer chances that you suffer from osteoporosis. According to leading journal Aging, numerous clinical studies prove that for women, in their post menstrual stage, fish oil significantly reduces the risk of osteoporosis. Women who experience weightlessness in space flights need to take a regular dosage of fish oil. This is because omega 3 fatty acids in fish oil improve their bone density and cut down the risk of osteoporosis.

Alleviates premenstrual syndrome (PMS)

Do you often get annoyed during your menstrual cycles because of the painful abdominal pains, cramps and fatigue? Well, here’s some good news for you. Regular intake of fish oil can alleviate abdominal pains and headaches that are some of the common premenstrual symptoms. During menstruation, prostaglandins play a key role in causing dysmenorrhea. The omega 3 fatty acids that are found in fish oil affect the absorption of these prostaglandins which in turn reduce cramps by relaxing muscles.

Battles atherosclerosis, strokes and heart attacks

Atherosclerosis and heart attacks are common problems in women who have passed their menstrual phase. This is because due to hormonal changes in the body, the inclination towards higher blood pressure and cholesterol accumulation in the arteries increase in the female body. Fish oil again has a remedy for this situation. EPA found in fish oil possesses anti-inflammatory properties and hence goes a long way in challenging the occurrence of atherosclerosis. DHA and EPA are also known to reduce high blood pressure, increase blood circulation and control the levels of cholesterol in the blood. These potent properties help to battle the occurrence of heart attach due to artery blockage.

Boosts immunity

DHA and EPA again brought into limelight! Both these Omega 3 components found in fish oil are great antioxidants and thus help the body fight against the process of unwanted rottening due to the repeated attacks of the body cells by free radicals. Cell damage, mutation and cancer are thus kept at an arm’s length. Apart from this, DHA and EPA also have strong neuro-protective capabilities. They regulate the dopamine content and thus prevent neurological disorders like Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s. Fish oil also acts as an anti-aging formula, which delays the process of natural aging by reducing the oxidation and dispersal of free radicals.

Prevents peri and post menopausal depression

If you are going through menopause and frequently experience distress and depression, taking fish oil supplements may greatly reduce these problems. Most often women going through menopause have to undertake Estrogen Replacement Therapy. However, the latter significantly increases the chances of breast cancer. Many studies have been successfully undertaken which show that fish oil supplements reduce post menopause depression. The sole benefit of including a regular intake of fish oil supplements in the diet of a woman in the third age is that side effects of antidepressants can be given a tough fight. Omega 3 fatty acids act as natural antidepressants and hence help to cope with the symptoms of menopausal distress.

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