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Chocolate to keep you healthy forever

chocolate health 64Believe it or not, men eating chocolate remain healthier than non-chocolate eaters, especially when they grow old. Researchers at the University of Oulu and Helsinki have revealed this fact after a long study, which enmeshed about 1,367 men, born between 1919 and 1934 and found that among these men 860 were eating chocolate for years while 399 were having other sweets and remaining men were having no sweets at all.

The chocolate eaters had slimmer waists, were less prone to diabetes and were somewhat better educated than those who ate other types of sweets. Interestingly, men constituting this group said that they felt healthier, less depressed and lonely and were having sanguine attitude towards life.

No doubt, like previous studies, this study has also dubbed eating chocolate as a health-friendly habit. However, utterly associating better health of these men with chocolate would just be a lop-sided assumption. Because other factors like their positive attitude towards life, higher education level, etc., etc. could also be playing a part in it.

Don’t you think so?

Here find out what previous studies say about chocolate and health relation:-

Dark Chocolate Can Fight Away Your Fatigue!

Chocolate: A Healthy Feast for Your Brain

A Little Chocolate a Day Keeps the Heart Attacks Away!

Low-fat Chocolate Milk Boosts Athletic Endurance


Chocolate and Health

Image credit: BBC

Via: Post Chronicle

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