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Chellappan Discovers Nicotine Kills Cancer Patients Faster

This is a fact often told but one that demands continuous repetition. What I am trying to bring up is the harmful effect of nicotine.

Recently Chellappan and fellow researchers were quoted telling ‘Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences’ that nicotine in any from can cripple chemotherapy in lung cancer patients. The researchers had conducted a test to discover the effect of nicotine on lung cancer cells exposed to three types of chemotherapy drugs — gemcitabine, cisplatin and taxol. They were led to the startling conclusion that any level of nicotine in a smoker’s body actually helps production of two proteins that can protect cancer cells thereby disrupting the drug’s power to eliminate the deadly cancer cells.

So whether it is a patch, gum or cigarette stay away form nicotine at all cost.

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