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Careful! Your contact lens can blind you

Contact Lens is a perfect solution for the ugly glasses. People prefer to wear it: It is comfortable and best of all, it does not show. But do they really know the risk they are taking?

Alison Bregman-Rodriguez felt as if felt as if lightning had struck her right eye. When she went to the doctor she was told that her eye had been infected by a fungus ‘fusarium’ commonly found in plant material and soils in southern tropical and subtropical areas. It was more serious than she thought, without eyedrop treatment, which can last two to three months; the infection can scar the cornea and blind its victims. Symptoms include blurry vision, pain or redness, increased sensitivity to light and excessive discharge from the eye. Number of cases like hers has been reported all over US and even in Malaysia and Hong Kong but fortunately it is not communicable. Suggestions are thorough cleansing of hands with soap, drying them with a lint-free towel before handling lenses, replacement of storage cases every three months and a change of solution daily.

Via : Associated Press

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