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It's better to raise 'good' cholesterol level to kill the 'bad' one

People with heart disease often pay much heed to lower the level of ‘bad’ cholesterol, which is also called LDL (low-density lipoprotein). However, experts believe that instead of lowering the level of LDL it is better to higher up the level of ‘Good’ cholesterol or HDL means high-density lipoprotein.

According to the latest findings, people using drug statins to lower their ‘bad’ cholesterol level are more likely to struck by another heart attack. Because by using drug statins, such people often reduce ‘bad’ cholesterol level but they pay no heed to raise the level of good cholesterol.

If we try to raise the level of ‘good’ cholesterol, also known as HDL then we may obviate the chances of another heart attack. Regular exercise and abstaining from smoking may help rising HDL level. No doubt, supplements like Niacin or vitamin B3 may also help in raising it up but they should be taken only under medical supervision since, they may lead to some side effects too.

Via: cbc

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