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Beauty routine secrets from Jennifer Aniston

Jennifer Aniston

Oh celebrities! There is not even a single aspect in our life that celebrities do not have influence over. Be it fashion, love and affairs, beauty, or health, we common people tend to follow celebrities in all these aspects, and why not, after all celebrities work hard to gain such reputation. Talking about beauty, a number of female celebs seem to be worthy of teaching us beauty routines, and Jennifer Aniston happens to top this list of celebs.

Why Jennifer Aniston is an icon for natural beauty?

Jennifer Aniston, we all know her well as the cute bubbly girl in “FRIENDS.” Well, she is famous for something else also, i.e. her natural beauty. She rather epitomizes natural beauty. She keeps coming into news every now and then also for her acting skills but majorly for her beauty that is so natural. In addition, one more thing besides her natural beauty that makes so many females jealous is her talent of never aging.

When interviewed regarding her beauty, Aniston mentions that she is thankful to her genes that play integral role in making her look just the same as she was years ago. The other beauty secret that she often shares on her interviews is that she stays natural. She says the best way to avert aging signs is to take a natural approach rather than going in for cosmetic treatments, which certainly cause damage to skin in the long run.

When questioned on her superb hair health, she simply says that she steers away from heating products and prefers drying her hair naturally. Every now and then she is seen on magazine covers with a quote – “She looks almost the same today as she did 10 years.”

Beauty lessons to learn from Jennifer Aniston

Jennifer Aniston

Image Source : cdn.dnaindia.com

As she is regarded as a natural beauty angel, here are some of the beauty routines she follows. You can also follow this beauty routine and hope to look gorgeous in your forties as well:

Drink adequate water everyday

Intake of adequate amount of water is as essential as any other routine of yours is. Aniston consumes 12 ½ glasses of water every day. If you think these many glasses of water is just impossible for you to consume in a day, you can cut down the water consumption and bring in some glasses of fresh juices.

Stay active

Aniston does not believe in spending hours on workout altogether but little bit of it every day. According to her, one must do a minimum of 20-minute cardio every day, along with few poses of yoga that enhance your body’s posture.

Go nude when it comes to makeup

Being a glamorous celeb Aniston has no faith in over dramatic makeup, rather she likes to be in subtle nude makeup, be it her nude lipstick or the lightest shade of her eye shadow. The choice of hers is probably one thing that makes her such a remarkable natural and ageless beauty.

No over styling

Jennifer Aniston strongly believes that over styling kills your natural beauty. Be it your hairstyle, your makeup, or your dress, all of it has to be comfortable and then only it can compliment you. On the other hand, if you fall for over styling, no matter how much efforts you put in to look good, you would not be able to pull off that look because you are not comfortable in your skin.

Jennifer Aniston is the evergreen beauty of Hollywood and a firm believer of natural beauty therapies. She believes the more natural you stay, the better you look.

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